The new AUG/SEPT Mudita Pure production & development update

Here’s a new update to let you know where we are in the development of Mudita Pure.


It sounds very promising. Thank you @urszula. :slight_smile:
A quick question: Will music player accept playlists or open a certain folder with musics?


@roberto I will have to verify this. I think @Wojciech_Cichon would be better qualified to answer this question.

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Thanks guys, looks great! Great to hear about the Australian certs, I didn’t think of that when I pre-ordered, so glad it’s all in hand.
Will you have another method for contact import / entry? On the desktop etc. - that’s probably the main switch that will take a long time entering on the phone, as a modern iPhones won’t send contacts to sim making import difficult.

Thanks again!


We’ll start small by just accessing directories with audio files inside them and then we might expand depending on how big will be the number of requests for supporting playlists.


You will be able to sync contacts using the Mudita Center desktop app.


I like that the music player stays in the list view when playing a song. Never though about that as an issue before but seeing it in the preview I just realised how annoying it is to jump back and forth between my list of songs and a “Now Playing” view.


I just noticed in video posted here for music player , when user go back and forth on any button click , screen display background flicks from black(dark theme) color to white color (light theme) every time , is it intended behaviour.

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vinay, regarding the black flash on the screen when navigating: I believe this is an expected and necessary behavior for e-ink displays such as the one that Mudita Pure uses. These displays need to periodically “wipe” the screen contents in order to eliminate ghosting.


Hi @vinay :wave: exactly what @alecazam said :slight_smile:

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Thanks @alecazam, i am not aware about E-ink display , if its so , just curious to know then why it does not happen in the place when user click on “Music library” button in the video.
I think @serge has asked same in detail in below thread what i wanted to ask.

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E-ink screens can refresh partially too, as any other LCD screen. But as ghosting is a big problem here (basically you can see some residue from the previous picture that was displayed on the screen previously), full refresh is used, which causes the flicker. But it is not that distracting, as E-ink screens do not emit any light, they don’t have a backlight.


Is MuditaOS developed from scratch or it’s based on smth like FreeRTOS?


It’s based on FreeRTOS


So is factually incorrect? It claims the license would be GPLv3 while FreeRTOS is MIT-licensed.

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@god, I think the best person to clarify this is the Mudita Pure product lead, @Wojciech_Cichon.

Not sure if it was the choice of song, but I was surprised at how terrible and tinny the speaker sounded. There sounded like there was some distortion and a lack of bass. Would really like to see a call being made and a text being sent as that is mostly what the phone will be doing.

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What’s up @god ? (I always wanted to write this :stuck_out_tongue: )
MIT is a permissive Open Source license (same as i.e. Apache) and you can incorporate any permissive OSS license under GPL3 - see for example here:
We made sure that every 3rd party software we have onboard MuditaOS will be included in whether it’s Open Source or proprietary.

I hope this answers your question


Looks great @urszula. Two questions:

  1. from where do I import songs (youtube music, spotify etc.)
  2. does it have a voice recorder? Looks like that from a video I saw.
    Best Jacob
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Indeed, thanks for clarification :slight_smile:
Perhaps it would make sense to update original blog post to avoid possible confusion?