Initial Mudita Harmony Reviews

@mkeames18 I’ve got some feedback from our Harmony team about the responsiveness of the buttons- especially the light click button. I was informed that we increased the value of delay of light press validation from 30ms to 500ms to eliminate problems with accidentally pressing light click when using deep press.
Hopefully that helps with navigation.

Allow me to ask this, because I’m curious: Is there an explanation for the minutes going faster than usual? I didn’t update the minutes yet (only the hour that changed yesterday), which is already seven minutes faster. :slight_smile:


I am okay with the hairline leak of light. It truly is almost impossible to see. Thanks, @urszula.


My clock has also gained 3 minutes in the 2 weeks since I’ve been using it. It’s been plugged in the whole time. Hopefully that can be fixed with a software update because I love the clock.

My clock has gained nearly 2 minutes in 17 days since I’ve been using it – unplugged, but never below 10% charge, and re-charged to 100% once in those 17 days. I, too, hope that a software update can fix this, as I, too, love the Harmony. My latest joy is using Relaxation mode while winding down at the end of a day.


@roberto I believe it is a software issue & will be fixed with the new update, however, I am waiting for confirmation from the devs.


I am using the Harmony for some time, and I love it in general.
But I don’t understand why the difference in volume between settings 1 and 2 is so big. 1 is pretty soft and I think I might sleep through when I’m sleeping deep. and 2 is too loud for me.
I would love a feature of ascending volume, so it starts quiet and gets louder very very slowly. I had this before and it wakes me up very gently, now the alarm “scares” me awake… even with a gentle koji sound :slight_smile:
I mostly wake up before my alarm, so not the biggest deal, and when the feature of uploading own tracks gets there, I can create my own…


Thank you @peterdc for your comment. It’s very hard since all the sounds are quite subjective but we will surely take your feedback into consideration when planning our next updates. Happy to hear you overall enjoy the Harmony :relaxed:


First off, I adore this clock. I’ve never felt this way about such a simple and pleasing device, and I likely never will again, it’s amazing, and with a couple of tweaks it would be perfect.

The two most significant pieces of improvement I would suggest would be:

  1. a long press of the central button/snooze button to access the menu. Too many times I accidentally trigger the menu when I mean to be snoozing the alarm clock. Intuitively, to me this feels like how I should engage the light of the alarm at night, some control in this regard would be appreciated.

  2. The pre alarm sounds. Currently, there is a small selection, and it seems we are not able to interact with this in the same way that we are with alarms. I don’t know why the pre-alarm curation is as such, they are all more intrusive than the alarm itself. I was hoping you might add the nature sounds, such as the river, sea and wildlife sounds as an option for the pre-alarm. These would feel much more subtle and pleasant to experience before the alarm begins.


Thank you for voicing this! I had the same reaction.

I switched to only the Pre-wake[-]up light because I found all the Pre-wake[-]up chime sounds to be more jarring than what I use for the Alarm tone (Tranquil Rainstick).


I’m truly enjoying the clock so far, thank you for creating it. Feedback / suggestions:

  1. The “gong” sound for the meditation timer is much too loud and occurs for start, end, and even intervals. Would love to be able to change the volume and select a more subtle sound to use for meditations.

  2. When snooze is set to OFF, I can deactivate the alarm by twisting the main knob, rather than having to press it all the way down and then having to reactivate it again for the next morning’s alarm. This is a great user experience. I would love a simpler way to deactivate the alarm when using the snooze function. Or to be able to set the number of times I can hit the snooze button before the alarm fully shuts off.


This just an amazing feedback, many thanks from our whole team!

Thanks @muditaharmonyenjoyer @kirkmahoneyphd @msilas for your feedback and comments. Your suggestions are great, noted and passed to design team. Glad to hear you like the device so much :relaxed: :white_heart:


I just want to say that I am in general very very happy with this. Even prior to receiving my Harmony I had started getting good routines by not having my phone in my bedroom as I used my hybrid watch (a Withings with an analog watchface) as an alarm clock via its vibrations. But the Harmony is so much better as an alarm clock, and one subtle way it is better compared to my watch is that in order to set my alarm on my watch I still had to use my phone, which is something I didn’t want to do late at night but had no choice. With the Harmony (and I guess with any traditional alarm clock) I can park my phone an hour before bedtime and not having to look at it again. Sounds perhaps a bit silly, buy my night-time routines is already much better since I received my Harmony.

I also use it a lot for meditation, and as an avid chess player, I also use it a lot when practicing chess with some nature sounds in the background.

My only gripe with it is only one thing, and that is that for some reason I seem to have much worse battery life compared to what most others have reported. On average, the battery lasts around 4 days. If I don’t use it for anything but an alarm clock in the morning, it lasts 5 days. And that has been consistent for the 3 weeks I have had it now. This is not a huge deal actually, it’s just that I find it surprising, most others seem to have experienced longer battery life than this with their Harmony.


I had to recharge my Harmony a second time in a total of 20 days, so mine is lasting a comfortable 10-ish days on a charge until I get the 11%-remaining alert below the clock time.

I may not be using the non-alarm-clock functions as much as you are, Mikael, but I agree that 4 days is much too short for a single charge.


My experience with the battery life is similar, but I use the relaxation sounds for 90 minute stretches quite a lot.


I have also experienced around the same as most with 9 days before I was at 17%.


@urszula: I received my Harmony 20 days ago (Friday evening, 11 March) here in the USA and have charged it twice from the low-battery (11%?) warning to 100% – the first time at about 10 days of ownership and the second time last evening (Wednesday evening, 30 March), at 19 days of ownership.

My Harmony gave me the correct time all day today (although slightly fast, as posted earlier).

However, tonight, 31 March, as I was about to enable its alarm I noticed that the clock showed 7:41 (PM my time). It’s now 10:30 PM here, and my Harmony is stuck on this 7:41 display.

  • I cannot enable the light.
  • The display remains constant with only “7:41” shown no matter whether the big knob is up or down – so the bell icon and alarm time never appear.
  • The ‘return’ button does nothing.
  • Plugging the clock into a USB power supply does not change the display.

Is this an expected quirk that I am supposed to be able to reset, or would Mudita like to replace this Harmony?

Fortunately, I still have my trusty Braun travel alarm clock.


@mikael_swenson Thank you for the feedback. We’re glad you’re enjoying your Mudita Harmony & we’re sorry about the battery life.
As @kirkmahoneyphd mentioned, it should be around 10-12 days, so when you report 4 days, that’s a bit concerning. I will definitely pass it on to our team & see what the remedy could be.

@kirkmahoneyphd I think in your case a soft rest would solve the problem:
If your device stops responding, for any reason, try a soft reset of the device:


Thank you, @urszula! That solved the problem, even bringing my Harmony back to the current time (well, fast by a minute, as I would expect) and to my most recent alarm time, with alarm bell-icon and time showing at top of display with the big button “up” (orange ring visible). Yay!

Question: Is this “lock-up” problem a known issue on which the Harmony developers are working?