Exciting NEW Sneak Peek for Mudita Kompakt

You could uninstall it.

If you only need something for calling and messaging, you could wait for the improved version of the Pure or choose from one of several other less expensive feature phones already available in the market. If you are fine with a camera, you could try the Light Phone III or LoFone.


If it is uninstallable then yes, Iā€™d do that. I was not aware of a new Pure, I love the existing Pure if it only had better reception. I have pre-ordered the LightPhone 3 and plan to use both that and the Kompakt interchangeably. A touch screen for texting has become too important to me for me to try another Pure. The main things I want a phone for are calls, texts/encrypted messaging (?), good detailed calendar with a web dashboard, good note making app and perhaps, but not essential, a podcast tool.


Oh and a camera would be incredibly useful, even just for ā€˜reminders/notes/quick memoriesā€™ etc. Also, picture quality from a phone thatā€™s not trying to be a camera or thatā€™s obsessed with social media may actually have a nice retro look and feel.


A camera is already confirmed. It doesnā€™t look like the ones we see on flagship smartphones. Moreover, the e-ink display implies the pictures will be black-and-white and not appear as crisp as they do on LCD and OLED displays. Iā€™m reminded of film photography.


This is a good point, and one that Iā€™m particularly excited about. Itā€™s in stark contrast to the over-polished and somewhat ā€˜fakeā€™ imagery we are seeing on smartphones recently.

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Smartphone cameras are mostly to show off on social media. Serious photographers will get a DSLR and edit pictures themselves.

This will get worse with AI.


I completely agree. In fact, I would expect peopleā€™s screentime to increase with more AI implemented into smartphones. This will likely cause negative effects and more people turning to simpler devices.

A lot of people donā€™t want that option because you can easily install it back and be distracted

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They have the options I already referred to. I am sure Mudita has the statistics from the target audience to decide the option most viable for them.


@gmahale Is that good or bad? :wink:


@urszula I have nothing bad to say about e-ink displays.

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Neither do I, all good

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Slow refresh rate for video viewing, but HiSense had made some software pacthes to overcome it. See Hisense A5 reviews.

Hi Sense is biggest competition, but good sides is that isn`t much present in Europe and US-Chinese wars prevent it shipping with PlayStore.

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I expect Kompakt and Pure 2 to be made in EU too, but yes, parts could be found cheaper.

On camera: I have seen better shots on 20mpix dumphone then on 50mpix smartphones. Is it due to software side, I am not sure. But finding good quality optics is a must. Its better to have branded 20mpix camera then 50mix chinese on paper.

Even today Nokia View 808 remains best thanks to Karls Zeiss optics

I havent seen new Chinese Nokia Pure View

So I hope Pure 2 will have quality camera, abeit with no social media options, just PC file/BT transfer

Also, Mudita Phones should be sent to GSM Arena for review/statistics, at least characteristics, to make them viewable to the world

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Dear all, I am becoming preeeettttyyy desperate for the Kompakt and LP3 now, as I have said before, I will use both, they both have features that Iā€™ll relish. But right now I just want something cool and reliable that I can leave the house with (smartphone at home) and not need to worry. A communications device, a calendar app where I can make entries and a notes app to make reminders. Oh and a simple camera to record images I need to. Very much looking forward to being able to do these things soon.


@mnrkr74 Did you see the new sneak peeks we released?

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Just got back from my run and yes, I have seen them! Brilliant! Maps?! Fantastic. I feel thereā€™s more to come but this is looking very good :slight_smile:


Yeah I am super excited, this phone is shaping up to be the best minimalist phone out there


@cardio79 & @mnrkr74 Weā€™re pretty excited too.


Iā€™m looking forward to starting some kind of digital detox for myself, Ula.
I really want to get into leaving the smartphone at home and not letting it leave the house. I tried the Pure again recently as I need to temporarily tether my work laptop as the office WiFi has not yet been connected but the Pure couldnā€™t make a connection. I will rely heavily on tethering the Kompakt, I really hope it is up to the job.