The vital art of talking to strangers

For those who know me, know that I love talking to strangers, I always have. There is just something intriguing about it.
For me, each conversation is an opportunity to see the world through a different lens, to connect with diverse experiences that enrich our own understanding. It’s an art that opens doors to new perspectives, challenges our assumptions, and sometimes even alters the trajectory of our lives.
Additionally, these interactions often lead to unexpected connections and friendships.

I think talking to strangers invigorates my curiosity and connects me more deeply to the shared human experience.

So, when I saw this article I knew I had to share it here. It might be behind a paywall, but try listening to the audio.

Do you guys enjoy talking to strangers? Or am I just a weirdo?


Sometimes i do talk to strangers. But I am a lousy smalltalk person… even with family, friends or colleagues.
Them: “ today it is rainy…”
Me: “ yes… I also have eye’s…”
I just like more deep/philosophical conversations…


Talking to strangers is nice, but I believe we undervalue the art of being silent with others. :zipper_mouth_face: :smile:


@aleksander I agree :slight_smile: there is something to be said about being quiet


If you are aware of the people around you, you will notice that people can not be or sit still in silence. They get nervous when they have nothing to do.
It is fun and interesting to see how people behave. ( since I don`t have a smartphone anymore , I started noticing these things )


@mausje75 I LOVE people watching. It’s seriously one of my favorite things to do.


I love people watching and I love being present, just sitting.