The Future of Social Media

It’s no secret that social media is absolutely addictive. It’s is built to be that way.
After watching a segment on DW News regarding & how Facebook is losing users & shares in Meta have fallen off a cliff, I got to thinking…
Have people finally come to their senses? Or will FB evolve into something else…kinda like MySpace…who remembers Mspace? :smiley: :joy: I would love to hear your thoughts.


I think it’s (sadly) just temporary. Maybe people are just moving to competitors like TikTok (Edit: It seems to be related to Apple’s privacy controls that block access to user data for external apps and companies, which in turn makes them earn a lot less money, because their abilities to personalize ads become limited). I would be happy if people started to understand what the current social media platforms are doing to the society, but that seems unrealistic :sweat:


I for one have given up my FB account a couple of years ago. I only ever kept it to keep in touch with my nephews and nieces after a while. To be fair, I was never really into social media. @urszula I do remember MySpace and I had a page when it was new on the scene. Unlike most people, I never really saw the draw of being “connected” with others via a website. My job is very heavily involved with technology, digital automation and IoT. And possibly, my being so involved in the things daily has helped me to see the pitfalls of an overly-connected society. But I believe that this is not connectedness, whatsoever. It has clearly been a bane for my country here in the US. Instead of talking to one another, people “connect” online and that has allowed propaganda to grab hold of people’s minds. I have made my Pure purchase in January of 2021 and ever since then I have been preparing myself for the simpler life. I have been de-Googling my online footprint and streamlining how I am going to interface with the online world. I utilize a laptop daily for work and I assist many customers utilizing VPN connections working remotely and in-person. My main loss of convenience in a smartphone is the password vault that I manage more than 150 passwords with. But that’s a simple fix with a computer based version that is available for that app. I do use a bank app, but I can also do that on a browser. I have no use of GPS functionality and I do travel. I just happen to be one of the lucky few who has a great sense of direction and an uncanny ability to memorize maps and directions. Relying on technology as a crutch has made us weaker as a people. I’d rather be ACTUALLY social, than virtually social. My children already have a distaste for cellphones and online social networks, thankfully. And this does not come from any bias I or my wife have displayed. We simply go hiking and biking often, meet up with family and friends, etc. And because of this, they love being outdoors and interacting with people. I am very thankful for this. Maybe there is some hope for the future. :wink:


Thank you! Wonderful words, I could not have written it more accurately.

Great times are ahead of us



I am hopeful that there are great times ahead. By purchasing from companies like Mudita who are mindful of these problems, it seems possible. Sorry, that came off like an advertising campaign for them. :slight_smile: But I do believe that if we can all make some small changes in our purchasing habits and our social habits, we can do some good for ourselves and our children. Our society (here in the US - I can only speak about mine) has been too sick with the pay-it-backwards-mentality and we simply need more of the pay-it-forward-mentality. (Being very careful not to get on, or at least not stay too long on the soapbox).


I don’t have any social media myself—only Instagram to my website page until I find it is no longer helpful. I use Telegram for messaging, and my closest friends/family and professional contacts use it. I’ve deleted all my social media because I was tired of the hate, cultural “trends,” manipulation, and censorship.

Social media can be helpful to societies to some degree. However, as an animal behavior researcher, I’m worried about the addiction of the youngers to a display and how they transform their real-life in second life (did you know that game?) without experiencing the reality of our world challenges.

I’m seeing people who can no longer interpret a sentence or read more than four lines. People who don’t keep their attention to a presentation without checking social media.

I have a no pictures policy in my seminars or other events, and I make sure that everyone has the smartphone in silence. I want people with full attention to knowledge rather than say, “I’ve been there.”

I believe that the Meta situation is temporary. They will adapt and find strategies to bring people again. Not me, for sure.


@john_dumpling I actually think people ARE starting to realize the negative impact of too much screen time. Being so dependent on our devices also comes at a cost & I think SLOWLY people are starting to see it. I looked into GLOBAL smartphone sales & they’ve been stagnant for a bit & then it the 2nd Quarter of 2020, smartphone sales declined 20%. Meanwhile, sales of feature phone/dumb phones are on the rise. When the street brand SUPREME, slaps it’s name on a dumb phone…you know 'the times are a’changin" :smiley:


I think the loss of focus & the ability to concentrate is VERY noticeable. While researching blog ideas, I read some studies that excessive smartphone usage is actually causing profound changes in our brains.


This could solve some problems in Europe :smiley:
What do you guys think?


Interesting, we will have to see how it turns out for Facebook


Seems like social media have some crisis going on but i’m not so sure it’ll disappear that fast unfortunately. Most of people my age (late Millennials and Gen Z) are really hooked up on social media. Huge part of social life is still happening there and it is a massive part of today’s culture. I often find myself out of the loop, not knowing the reference to something my peers talk about because i don’t watch you tube or i don’t have tik tok. I just accepted things like that will happen and i don’t feel ashamed of being left out. If i decide to limit my time online then this is natural. But for many of us, especially young people and teens, it is really important to fit in. The feeling of acceptance by close community is really needed and some of us will keep deciding to sacrifice time, energy or even privacy safety to just stay in the loop. There is nothing wrong with it of course, being accepted by community is one of the needs we all have, it just has different shapes for all of us. Unfortunately for some people being online is still something essential, if not by their needs then by unspoken social pressure. Either way, i don’t think those people, like many of my close friends, will resign from social media any time soon. Maybe something will change, maybe social media will evolve, but they will somehow stary with us a lil longer.


I hate to admit it, but I;m on instagram & tiktok way too much. Sometimes I loose track of time. My partner got me the Mudita Pure as a way to help me curb my impulses. We recently got notified that the phone is shipping and now I don’t know if I’m ready to part with the funny cat videos.


@aprilhall i know myself how hard it is to limit the time online. Scrolling Instagram and Tiktok is pretty much the same since they’ve introduced reels and now it’s just too easy to fall into it like a black hole. It’s a habit, people do it automatically. It’s really hard to break the habit, let alone doing it within a day. I keep trying limiting time on social media daily and it is a long journey. Maybe try taking some time off so you get used to spending less time on smartphone and it might help you adjust to Mudita Pure later on. Hope you will enjoy time offline without cat videos but with Mudita Pure soon! :see_no_evil:


I think it’s important to remember that you don’t have to give up those funny cat videos; it’s a matter of how you watch them. If you’re doing so on a smartphone, it’s very easy to get sucked in for way too long. However, if you limit your intake of any kind of entertainment (not just those adorable cat videos!) to your laptop/desktop/TV, it’s certainly easier to recognize when you’ve spent enough time on it and step away.


@whyoungblood I agree. I use social media, but I do it on my laptop. I can’t really scroll into oblivion on my laptop, it’s not as easy as on a smartphone. I think it’s definitely easier to get “sucked in” on a smartphone. But then again, they are made to be that way.


FB is losing users because users are moving to more popular social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok.


@adrianevansgw I’m not sure I would agree with you entirely. Instagram, which is also owned by FB, is also loosing users. According to many reports, Instagram is losing popularity among its Gen Z audience.
There are estimates that show Instagram’s growth in monthly users will fall to 5.8% this year and 3.1% by 2025 from 16.5% last year.


My space was really trash compared with FB or any other social media platform, and I think today, people who are still using Myspace as a main social media platform are stuck in the past really hard. According to the authorized Social Media Specialists, the huge potential overall social media platforms has a TikTok application, and some experts think that TikTok is the future of all social media, thank you think about this?


This statement gives me a lot of pause. I’ve never used Tik Tok, but I’ve seen some videos which friends have shown me & to be honest, I don’t see how that platform adds any value to our life.


I have the same thinking.