No SIM Card Issue

I put in my SIM card from my iPhone (Verizon) into the Pure and no SIM is found. Is this a Verizon problem (as in, Verizon is not a covered carrier on the Pure)? Or a SIM card issue? Or an issue specific to the phone I have, like hardware etc – can anyone help? I submitted a question to the support team through email few weeks ago but haven’t received a reply.

So far I have tried cleaning the SIM, trying the second SIM card slot, going into Settings and selecting it manually.

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@moon9river Issues with Verizon have been discussed on this forum for some time. We were upfront with the carrier issues regarding Verizon & AT & T. We initially expected it to work, however, when we did not receive the PTCRB certification (due to our ultra-low SAR antenna), we made this information known in several updates as well as on this forum. Depending on your location, T-mobile, H2O wireless, Boost Mobile & AT&T MVNO should work.