New Sneak Peek ALERT: Discover the Ultimate Privacy with Mudita Kompakt's Offline+ Feature!

We’re thrilled to share another sneak peek of Mudita Kompakt – a feature that takes privacy and digital wellness to an entirely new level: Offline+ Mode.

What’s Offline+ Mode?

Think of it as Airplane Mode, but way more powerful! With Offline+ Mode, Mudita Kompakt goes beyond the standard. It’s designed to completely deactivate the GSM modem and microphones, ensuring absolute privacy. No signals, no interruptions – just pure peace of mind.

Hardware & Software Cutoff

Offline+ provides a true offline experience by combining both hardware and software cutoffs:

  • A single switch physically disconnects the GSM modem and microphones.
  • Simultaneously, it disables Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and camera functions on the software side.

This dual-layer approach guarantees a secure and uninterrupted offline experience.

Life, Unplugged

With Offline+, Mudita Kompakt is crafted for those moments when you need to unplug and live in the moment. Whether you’re spending time with loved ones or simply taking a digital detox, your Kompakt phone remains fully functional without any digital distractions.

Get ready to experience life, truly unplugged. We can’t wait for you to try it out!

Stay tuned for more updates!



Promissing feature!


How can the phone remain functional when the modem and microphones are disconnected?


Very nice feature love it!
I just need confirmation of a directions app of some kind and I am pretty sure I am cancelling my LP3 order lol…I just love the look of this phone the more and more I see it!!
But the directory tool on the LP3 is the main thing I really love…hoping you guys release more info about the apps that will be on this phone


I have apps that I use in a de-Googled Google Pixel 6 with NO SIM card and with Bluetooth and WiFi OFF. Two examples are AntennaPod and HERE WeGo.


I was sure downloaded content would be available. In this regard, it’s not different from Airplane Mode. From the information, it appeared to me as though calling would still work.


Re: Offline+ :point_right:t4: We’ll get to the heart of it all (down the line :crossed_fingers:t4:), but hopefully, I can clear a few things up for now:

Offline+ mode on Kompakt enhances privacy… beyond what a typical Airplane Mode offers. While :airplane: mode disables wireless signals through software, Offline+ physically disconnects the GSM modem and microphones, further reducing the risk of unauthorized access or eavesdropping.

Though calls won’t be possible in this mode, you can still use downloaded content, offline features & apps (yes, there are more to come :D).

It’s also about letting you unplug with enhanced privacy, free from digital distraction… whenever YOU choose.


This sounds like an amazing feature - for me, I would use this Offline Mode while using the alarm overnight, so the phone would be on, the wifi etc. disabled so no calls, texts, etc. just the alarm :smiley: Perfect!
I hope it has the same sounds as the Pure - I love the chime bells and could set the Kompakt sounds to the same as what I’ve become used to hearing for my Pure alarm sound - no new neurological wiring required!

Ready when you are! :smiley:


@Sharaz, this reminded me of an interview that I saw a few months ago about the Unplugged cellphone and its “Kill Switch” feature:

Kill Switch

Disconnect your phone battery from circuits instantly. The UP Phone kill-switch halts unauthorized tracking or data transmission, safeguarding your privacy and security.

Kompakt’s Offline+ will be superior to Unplugged’s Kill Switch, given that the Kompakt will still be usable in offline mode!


i do the same on a Pixel. i am currently using a Punkt MP02 to tether to the Pixel when I need to go online. I plan to do the same with Kompakt. The Punkt is feeling just too limited. Tiny screen, unresponsive buttons, rage building, haha.


This is great. More phones should use physical hardware to do this, rather than software.


Could you explain in what sense you are using the term ‘privacy’ here? The phone will be connected the rest of the time anyway.

The concept of an airplane mode was intended to avoid interference with an aircraft’s communication. Unauthorised access to a phone’s radio could be the result of a bug and a serious safety issue. Are you implying this about smartphones being currently sold?

Downloaded content on the phone can still be a distraction by the way.

I fail to see how this will be any different from a typical airplane mode from the point of view of a user.


Every smartphone is usable in the airplane mode. It is just like a computer without a modem connected.


While airplane mode was indeed originally intended to prevent interference with aircraft communication, over time, many users have come to see it as a privacy tool - something they can use to disconnect from the world and reduce interruptions.

In this sense, the privacy aspect of airplane mode is a byproduct of its original function.
Regarding the concern about unauthorized access to a phone’s radio due to a bug, I’m not implying that it’s a widespread issue with current smartphones. However, one could think of this enhancement as an extra precaution to ensure that such vulnerabilities don’t affect Kompakt users. It’s about offering peace of mind in an increasingly complex digital world. :blush:

As for downloaded content being a distraction, you’re absolutely right - Offline+ isn’t about eliminating all possible distractions, but rather about providing the choice to disconnect from external networks and enhance ‘privacy’.

You raised some fair points and we’ll definitely use this to fine-tune our message! Thanks @gmahale :clap:t4:


Offline+ seems like a great feature. However, I am curious about whether it also disables GPS functionality (if GPS is included in Kompakt at all)? Hopefully, the answer to this is “Yes.” To my mind, it wouldn’t make sense to have a feature which disables potential eavesdropping and other privacy and security concerns while allowing location tracking. Airplane mode still tracks user location but simply updates the route travelled retrospectively once the phone comes off airplane mode. It’s important for Offline+ to not do this and to block all location data with no retrospective updates. Can someone please confirm?

More generally, a secure E2E encrypted messaging app is a critically important part of privacy and security infrastructure. Punkt has Signal integration through Pigeon… it would be awesome if Mudita had either the ability to use Signal directly or created its own implementation of this using the Signal protocol. This could be a dealbreaker for some users if it didn’t have this functionality (potentially myself included).

Regardless, Offline+ is very cool and very much appreciated. Hopefully more clarity on what precisely it blocks and segregates, including GPS, etc, can come through shortly.



According to the description, the camera and microphones are disconnected.


There is no clarity about the supported apps yet. It is in my opinion the most important detail.

I think it is possible to ensure apps do not have access to location data on Android. We have to wait for a clarification from Mudita about this.


This is what I was trying to get at. It appears going offline (disconnected) and privacy are being used interchangeably. Privacy is about restricting access to personal information, while going offline means being unreachable. I absolutely agree Offline+ will ensure the latter.


Yeah I owned the Punkt numerous times and although I loved the size and simplicity of it in this day and age phones like that are just too limiting. You need basic apps like calendar and directions these days. Punkt it a over priced dumb phone will next to no tools


Yes I agree, I have placed my sim back in the Pixel now. Very much looking forward to Kompakt and LP3. I will try them both out and switch between the two.