We are truly sorry to announce that due to the circumstances which we will further cover in detail in this update, we have to postpone the release date of Mudita Pure. We understand the frustration which may arise after you read this title, however, we would like to ask you to read the update in its entirety, as we’ve tried to explain everything that’s essential to understanding the situation. At the same time, we would like to assure you that we are continuing to put forth the maximum effort every day in order to deliver the high-quality device that we promised.
The full update is available on our blog: https://mudita.com/community/blog/new-production-schedule-and-unfortunately-further-delay/
This sucks big time…
Thanks for the update. Definitely a bummer, but hope that you all make it happen
@Jose_Briones Thank you for supporting us though all of the challenges! We are going to to make this happen for you guys!
I’d like to feature you guys in the Youtube Channel or the podcast if y’all want to btw since now it’ll be until November we can do a small talk about the idea and project as of now and then once it releases another update on that. Lmk if anyone on the team can do that and maybe showcase the prototypes.
@urszula I hope you get the AT&T and Verizon issue resolved, you will lose a lot of customers if these networks do not work.
I put this on the KS page, I ifgure it should appear here as well. I know the team is ready for comments such as this one… so:
I am getting tired of trying to remain excited about this product. Poor project management all around, and lack of consultation with subject matter experts. Many issues could have been avoided.
The PTCRB certification issue could have been avoided from the electronics design phase, should have been in the assumptions list. This is a regulatory affairs issue, not an unforeseen circumstance. This is inexcusable, unless I learn otherwise.
The plastic mold part is actually a legitimate unforeseen situation which could have been maybe considered as a medium risk, or at least someone could have planned for alternatives much earlier on. Talking with an expert could have helped a lot here. Also, there is nothing wrong with bringing parts from China if that is where the expertise is. However, I doubt that Europe doesn’t have the necessary technology to achieve the particular injection molding you need, but it would be significantly more expensive, and I’m pretty sure Mudita can’t cover that type of scenario.
Again, these are all comments based on interpretation of these updates and from personal experience. I have no idea how Mudita works in the background. Maybe there are experts working with you, and it’s all a much bigger challenge than I think. Still, there are numerous signs of insufficient attention being given to risk assessment and risk management.
At this point I’m keeping my kickstarter pledge, because I am still curious about the phone. But trust has gone significantly down.
Very sorry to hear this delay, however I am supporting the idea of this phone and also hoping that the developments of other products include a low EMF laptop with only essentials.
I will keep my investment in the phone. I am disappointed but trust that the 7 month wait will be worth it for a beautifully designed product with excellent functionality. I don’t like that CHINA is the place that can solve one of your problems. That sucks. But hopefully you’ll have the phone in time for my birthday the first week of November YAY. I appreciate the update. Keep up the good work. Blessings on your journey. Marcia. in California
I am on the AT&T network in the USA. Do you recommend that I cancel my order for the Mudita Pure? I am willing to wait to get it in November and try it here, if you will give me a refund in the event that it does not work.
Hello Team Mudita,
I am sorry to hear that there is a delay, but in my opinion this is inseparable linked to an ambitious project like the Mudita Pure
Of course, known pitfalls can always be pointed out from project management considerations, but hey !!! come on, this is about a phone with a philosophy that is shaped from the ambitious building blocks that make up that phone. And what is a three-quarter year delay? Nothing at all, right? This is a telephone, not a bathroom or a kitchen that will be delivered later. So let’s not make this bigger than it is.
I read that, despite the bumps in the production path, you choose to go for the quality of the product and want to make minimal concessions to the specifications. Unfortunately, this leads to delays. However I really appreciate that you made that choice! The reason for this is that the other choice would be to, no matter what, meet a deadline at the expense of quality and specifications. The latter choice often leads to “the surgery was successful, within time schedule and within budget, put the patient died” deliverables ;).
Furthermore I am very well aware that during the delay the only thing I have to do is wait a little more and get on with my life. You on the other hand, still have to work hard and cope new unforeseen bumps to make it happen by the end of 2021. So the only thing I can do is wish you have a nice and pleasant period for this last hurdle to take and that you will succeed in producing the Mudita Pure as you had it in mind.
Good luck and have fun!!!
I am really looking forward to the Mudita Pure as you have it in mind!
Agreed! I am willing to wait, if Mudita believes that it can resolve its problems with these two networks OR if Mudita will give me a full refund after I receive the Pure in November and discover that it fails (in my case, on the AT&T network).
@Jose_Briones @kirkmahoneyphd We are working very hard on making this happen.
Good to hear
@asim Thank you so much for your understanding and kind words of engagement. They really mean a lot to us, especially now, when we’re working so hard to deliver a great product that we would be proud to showcase to the world. We appreciate your support while we strive to achieve our goal. Thank you again for taking the time to reach out to us.
@poinck Let me ask if this is even something we would consider.
@urszula, I am delighted to read that, and I appreciate the transparency!
I agree, @asim. It is disappointing, but I’m thankful that they are working so hard to deliver a quality product. I’d prefer quality over something rushed with issues. I appreciate that Mudita is open about the process. I truly hope the carrier issue is fixed, as I have Verizon…but honestly, I’d switch to a carrier that would work with the phone if it came to a point where they couldn’t resolve that issue. I really support the ideas and plans they have for this phone. Excited for November!
Hi Filip,
Thank you for voicing your opinion. We completely recognize your frustration. We also understand how the situation may appear to our backers as well as observers. Since we have been so upfront and transparent about our various challenges and obstacles, and we’ve been very straightforward with our proposed solutions, we know that our processes are open to various forms of scrutiny. However, if we could have done things differently, please believe us, we would have. You’re right that we can say that our know-how on how not to build a phone is very strong, but once we will complete the process for Mudita Pure we will certainly know how to avoid the same mistakes for future products.
Also, some hurdles are just not that easy to overcome and oversee, especially during the current global situation, with delays in various sectors of the economy due to persistent lockdowns, travel restrictions and limits on in-person meetings.
Regarding PTCRB, we knew that we have to pass the tests to be compatible with some of the network providers.
We did consult with subject matter experts on this. Actually onboard we have team members that had worked in the certification entity before, but we couldn’t perform the test before we had the final model. Once we got the first test results, we still tried to adjust the antenna and see what we could do about that and did the tests again. After the adjustments we knew that we’re not going to be able to fulfill this specific criteria of AT&T & Verizon without significantly increasing the SAR level. Please note that this is not a lost case, however we preferred to be upfront about that risk with these telecoms and we’re working directly with them on addressing that.
Regarding your comment about Europe not being able to do the particular injection- we agree with you, as we stated in our update, we think it’s doable, but we don’t know how many more iterations it will require to get it right, that’s why we decided to minimise the risk of further delay and resign from the gasket which is the remaining problem.
We do consult with various experts besides our manufacturers, maybe we could do it more- we will take it as a valuable suggestion, but one thing is theory, another- actual results and trials on the production.
That said, we do appreciate you sticking by us. We do want to deliver a fantastic product, which we will be proud to deliver to all of you. Thank you again for all your support! We will do everything we can not to disappoint our supporters.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. This means a lot.
I am supportive of the project, as I still cherish the values. I understand that developing such a product is a challenge, and your transparency is highly appreciated.
Still, recent updates have left me with the feeling that something could have been done better, or some issue avoided, if more care was being taken.
I am hopeful that lessons have been learned, and that future projects will go better.