Mudita Center - version: 2.2.7 cannot be opened with “sudo” command om LInux
@bjarne Thanks for reaching out. I will pass this on to our team. I have to be honest & upfront, I’m not very familiar with Linux, so I definitely need to ask the team.
@bjarne I got some info from our team:
Generally, Mudita Center does not support running applications from a terminal using sudo. If a user decides to do this, they must be aware of the possible consequences, such as unstable operation of the application. Our team also had some questions for you:
Is there a particular reason you want to run the application in this way? Is it possible that you’re are trying to solve another problem with this command?
Should it be necessary to run the application with sudo due to device recognition issues, I suggest following the instructions below:
Run in terminal: sudo ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
To get the name of the group that has permissions to the device (in this example, the group is dialout):
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 May 24 07:21 /dev/ttyACM0
2. then execute in the terminal:
sudo adduser yourUserName dialout
or usermod -a -G dialout yourUserName
This will add the user to the dialout group. 3.
3. reboot the system.
The device should be visible without the need to run the application with sudo.
Please let us know how this works out for you.