Kompakt repairability

Hey, I’m wondering about the repairability of Kompakt, especially of the battery. From the info I was able to gather, it seems like it will be glued in. How difficult would a potential repair be and would spare batteries be available for purchase? Thank you :slight_smile:


Since I had same issue with previous phone, I ll tell you what I was told and that should remain for Kompakt, plus take official answer as more reliable

  • Current EU legislation has elevated batteries to dynamite level so batteries cannot be shipped separately, without phone. Even sending with phone takes additional paperwork
    -My comment
  • (I disagree with this since when properly packed and maintained batteries have no capacity to explode unless heated - they are more likely to explode in use)
  • This further complicates not only shipping but re[air. so easiest option is simply to have centralized repair to Mudita where you would send phone. In warranty its free, after warranty Mudita set the repair prices.
  • Once phone is dubbed End of Life, all repairability outside warranty ceases to exist.
    Even I do love extend phone life 3-5 years modern software and hardware advances and new models make it obsolete in 1-3 years.
    On my behalf, is there a way to appeal EU legislative body with scientific background, plus user and manufacturer pressure to change this half insane decision?
    Similar is with shipping phones with no chargers. User must have a charger supplied to operate, best for longlivity one of actual voltage etc. of the phone.
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Hi @john_dumpling :wave: the spare parts for Mudita Kompakt that are most prone to wear or damage, such as the battery and display, will be available for a minimum of four years. Repair services will also be available for at least four years. Additionally, we will comply with local consumer protection laws regarding the availability of parts and repair services in all markets where the device is offered.
Anyone wishing to purchase spare parts or make use of our repair service should contact Customer Support at mudita.com.


Cool. I was thinking more about the difficulty of self-repair. Are any special tools needed? Also, whether the batteries are proprietary or whether compatible cells will be available for purchase from third parties (even after the end of support).


According to our team, no special tools (definition of tools acc. to EU 2023/1670) are necessary, only basic tools for mobile phone repairs (for example, a 24€ iFixit set plus a heater/hair dryer should be enough). Moreover in Kompakt we do not have serialised parts (no binding codes). Does this help? :slight_smile:


Generally improved policy and service

Should also be highlited at crowdfunding and on website

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Will Mudita publish its prediction for mean time before failure (MTBF) of the battery in the Mudita Kompakt?

For example, “Mudita expects the Kompakt battery to last for X thousand full-discharge/full-recharge cycles before failure.”


I’ll let you know when I find out! Meanwhile, I’m grateful for your patience as a big chunk of our team is out of office due to holiday/new year season. :pray: