Is social media to blame for internet addiction?

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Partly yes but itā€™s possible to be addicted to internet because of youtube, different websites, etc.


It may sound simplistic, butā€¦ isnā€™t social media responsible for internet addiction the same way beer is responsible for alcohol addiction?
Thereā€™s so much interesting stuff on the internet ā€“ and even more worthless trash. Just like in real life.
Iā€™d say itā€™s important to seek balance.


The Guardian has an interesting article about people who are addicted toā€¦ weather apps.

I sort of see this, weather affects our life and predicting the future is always fascinating, but Iā€™m not sure what to think of itā€¦ I guess itā€™s the behavior pattern where you check one app, say, weather, and then you end up looping all other apps from messaging to news to mail etc etc that leads to a lot of time being wasted.


Thanks for this link @harri ! Itā€™s really interesting.
Perhaps this obsession with social media and, as it seems, weather apps, is just an emanation of our need to stay in control, be aware of everything that goes around. In weather, in our friendsā€™ lives (donā€™t get me started on the news feedsā€¦) and ultimately in our own phone, switching app to app to see if anything new happened.


I think itā€™s just another facet of FOMO

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This is one major reason why I felt the need to stop using a smartphone. Why was I checking the weather a hundred times a day?? Something addictive about just checking.
Honestly, I donā€™t think the weather app is all that reliable/accurate anyway, although useful for a reference. Sometimes itā€™s raining and people are like ā€˜but my phone says itā€™s not raining!ā€™ or vice versa. We put too much stock on the info we receive from these devices IMHO. I put up a thermometer outside and I check the weather on my computer if I need to, but by and large I feel liberated not having this access.
So our kids are so used to us adults checking the weather, they are always asking us to check the weather or check it themselves. I have begun telling them to go outside, uses their senses to observe and feel it.


I have to admit, I am also a compulsive weather checker. My BlackBerry Q10 has an awesome Accuweather app.


Lol I love that weather aoo checked it all the time on my beloved BlackBerry classic!