Introducing Mudita Bell & Mudita Harmony!

@Dobroslaw_Zybort Choose Poland at the bottom of the Mudita Harmony product page. You may have your location blocked in your browser & Poland may not automatically detected


Will the shipping of the Harmony be based around the temperature scale’s performance or will the Harmony ship as is with scale being addressed in an os update in the future?


@skilletsauce We actually plan on addressing the issue with a software update. Hopefully before it ships next month.


@urszula Thanks for reply also to skilletsauce. I see the ability to upload my own audio content but I don’t see information if I will be able to play it :upside_down_face: (other way than setting it as alarm)

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Oh, that fixed it, thank you.

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@Dobroslaw_Zybort I’m glad it all worked out.

Hi there, we do have Relaxation Sounds on Mudita Harmony, it’d work similar to a simple audio player. There are many melodies and nature sounds that enable to relax better during the day or before going to bed. You can set it up for up to 90 minutes, which is usually enough to fall asleep considering how calming these sounds are. :relaxed:


Is there any way to have the sound repeat so that it can play for a longer period? If a sound/track is sideloaded will it also have the 90 minute limitation or will it have more options (like a music player) since it isn’t a pre-loaded selection? I ask this because I sometimes enjoy have white noise or healing frequencies playing throughout the evening.

Hi @skilletsauce Relaxations are already equipped with a library of many sounds and melodies, you’d likely enjoy most of them. :wink: It intentionally has a time limitation so that it doesn’t play too long once someone falls asleep and saves the battery. Of course you can play it again if you are listening to it during the day. The upload of different audio is still under development, this feature will be available later on. I can already tell you that the sounds you upload have more limitations in terms of file size rather than audio length. We will update you once we have more information on that. Right now, the sounds that are in the library are long enough and looped so that they can be played for up to 90 minutes and still sound very calming. :relaxed:

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Thank you for your response however I am still unclear about the ability to auto-repeat a track. My partner and I have different sleep times this is why I am interested in a repeat play option even if this means keeping the device plugged in.
I understand that the Harmony has 4gb of internal storage and I would not load a very large file if this could be avoided but I suppose the solution would be to find an audio file of sufficient playing length. I really don’t want to keep my old set up and I had/have hopes that the Harmony can be a suitable replacement.

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Hey @skilletsauce Thank you for all the feedback and questions. An auto-repeat is not something i can confirm to you at this very moment since the feature is still in development. I’ll most definitely pass your feedback to our software team and we will surely discuss if it’s possible to implement. Hope to share more news about it with you soon! :wink:

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Is the Harmony still on schedule to ship this month?

Thank you


@skilletsauce Yes it is. We are are looking at the 2nd part of February.


@urszula I just received my Mudita Bell in the mail today and after charging it up I cannot figure out how to set the alarm time. I downloaded the user manual on your website but it did not go into detail about the alarm time setting. Please help, Sorry if this is in the wrong forum


@kevbo Thanks for reaching out. Mudita Bell is an analog device, so in order to set the time & the alarm, you need to use the knobs located at the back of the device. The big one is the ALARM knob & the small one is the TIME knob. Please make sure to only turn it in the direction of the arrow, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the mechanism. Turn the ALARM knob until the ORANGE hand points to the time you wish to wake up.
Since I wake up at 6:30 every morning, the orange hand sits between 6 & 7 on the clock face.


Thank you so much! I was able to set the time no problem but was confused about the alarm hand. That makes so much sense now that you explain it. Quite simple actually, I suppose I was over thinking it all.


@kevbo I’m glad it all worked out :smiley: I understand what you mean, sometimes I make the simplest things more complicated as well.