Feature phones gain popularity as a means of managing screen time

While researching some topics for future blogs, I came upon a great article, featuring our very own, @Jose_Briones

Check it out & let me know what you think.


It is hilarious to me that the person who made the TikTok video about a flip phone quite likely shot and uploaded that video with a smartphone!

I am skeptical about the claim that Gen Z will move to flip phones or other non-smartphones. The Zoomers whom I know are ADDICTED to the high-resolution, AI-assisted cameras in their smartphones.


@kirkmahoneyphd You’re probably right. However, I would love to think that, in the name of sustainability, they repurposed their old smartphone to function as a camera, with a few useful apps.
But it’s probably, just as you say. The GenZ kids I know are also horribly abdicated.
Even though the 2022 global shipments of smartphones declined by 12% to 1.2 billion units , the lowest since 2013. Global smartphone revenue declined by 9% to $409 billion, the lowest since 2017.