Chapter 5: Mastering Boredom

In this chapter, I discuss how to master boredom and use it to your advantage both physically and mentally :slight_smile: Hope it helps people out there :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing that!

I like the maxim that many American parents share with their children when the latter complain about being bored:

“Bored people are boring people.”

Put in another way:

“Stop being boring, and you won’t be bored.”


When you are bored, something great might happen because you give yourself and your creativity space.

In Poland w have this expression: Tylko nudni ludzie się nudzą (Only boring people get bored)


I heard something like: An intelligent person never gets bored…

But getting close to half of my life as an adult I find it rather silly. Of course, allowing yourself to get too bored is a sign that you’re missing out on something important, but there is other side to it - as you wrote: space for creativity.


Building on this, there is actually research that suggests boredom leads us to seek out new goals and motivations.

It also goes to argue “that boredom arises from the perception that the current situation is no longer stimulating, as reflected in diminishing emotional response to the situation.”

Here is a link to the research if you want to take a look: On the Function of Boredom - PMC


I believe boredom is a natural part of the human experience, and yet many people find it difficult to accept and cope with.
Here’s a hill I will absolutely die on:
Immersive technology and the constant connection to technology can definitely play a role in people’s difficulty accepting boredom. With the rise of smartphones, social media, and other forms of digital entertainment, people have become accustomed to constant stimulation and distraction.
This constant connection to technology can make it difficult to disconnect and allow oneself to feel bored. Instead of embracing boredom and allowing the mind to wander, people often turn to their devices for entertainment, further reinforcing the idea that boredom is something to be avoided.
What’s more frightening is that immersive technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality can provide users with experiences that are so engaging and stimulating that they can make real-life experiences seem dull and uninteresting. This can make it even harder for people to accept and cope with boredom when they are not using these technologies.

So, while technology can provide many benefits and opportunities for entertainment, it can also make it harder for people to accept and cope with boredom. It’s important for individuals to be mindful of their technology use and make time for boredom and self-reflection.

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