Blog: Optimizing Sleep: An Exclusive Interview with Mollie Eastman

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Have you guys heard of Mollie Eastman? She’s a very interesting person and the architect behind Sleep Is A Skill & the voice of The Sleep Is A Skill Podcast, who has spearheaded a revolution, transforming sleep from a passive necessity to an active, masterable skill.
Our recent interview with her goes into the science of sleep and how it can be enhanced through conscious practice and technology, like the Mudita Bell and Mudita Harmony devices.

What strategies have you found most effective in improving your sleep quality? Do you guys integrate mindful technology, like Mudita Bell or Mudita Harmony (or perhaps sleep tracking devices) into your sleep hygiene practices?

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Something that I learned from CHD.TV (Children’s Health Defense Television) is that 5G cellular towers placed near people’s homes can RUIN their sleep. Two solutions are: (a) fight against a 5G tower before or as soon as placement begins; (b) get an existing 5G tower’s output lowered after its placement. (Cellular carriers often can get by with much lower output than what they are choosing when they place a tower.)

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@kirkmahoneyphd Our team just got back from the MWC in Barcelona & they said a lot of the talk in the conference was about 6G.

Hmmm … scicenc of sleep :smiley: So, how to get faster into deep sleep and get most of 6 to 8 hour period of time, with no need for additional sleep?

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There is a science to sleep. Unfortunately, it does take some practice to get really good at it.