Blog: Is Your Phone Affecting Your Mental Health?

Just saw it…

You know I’m a huge fan of technology, but it is too much, even for me :wink:


@justyna_latoszek Maybe they’re gaming :slight_smile:


Haha, now you talking, @urszula! But seriously… still, too much.

(Dear Community, I’m a gamer, this is why Urszula is jokeing about it :D)


Apple, once again disconnecting users from people around them!

Until now, AirPods forced us to ask “Are you talking to me?” when someone wearing them looked directly at us and said something, given that we did not know whether that person was in a telephone call.

Now, Vision Pro will make it worse. We will see someone looking at us and will not know whether that person is instead looking at what an iPhone is displaying.


I went through our old thread about these Apple GOGGLES & I didn’t disappoint


I must say: This is surreal…


That thread aged accurately.


@roberto The END is definitely near.


But the end of what? The end of humanity? The end of technological development? :slight_smile:

Or perhaps the end of an era where we unquestioningly embrace all novelties (although I believe that with every revolution, there have always been concerns and a large dose of criticism, apocalyptic visions)?

Observing the world, I like to think this way: the world is changing, we are changing, and not always do I agree with the direction of these changes. Sometimes I am apprehensive about it, but above all, I see opportunities in it.

Right now, I see an opportunity for us to realize that, as a human species, we can’t simply go on as before, and we may start exploring alternatives.

I observe myself, I observe my child, and I see that technological progress is inevitable. However, my awareness of this fact allows me to make wise choices. If my spine hurts from sitting all night and playing games (video games, @urszula :P) with friends, it’s not the fault of the game but my own choice.

Let progress happen, and let’s be mindful. (Falling asleep with Harmony, not with the phone :D)


@justyna_latoszek Here’s the issue I often struggle with: Yes, while technology has undoubtedly brought about significant benefits, its rapid evolution is also reshaping human behaviors in ways that could potentially undermine aspects of the human experience.
The rise of social media and digital communication platforms has significantly altered the way humans interact. While these technologies have made it easier to stay connected with others across great distances, they have also led to concerns about the superficiality of online interactions and the erosion of face-to-face communication skills. Some argue that the prevalence of digital communication is reducing the quality of human relationships and leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. We do have a loneliness epidemic & I’ve written about it on our blog :slight_smile:
Additionally, the digital age has brought about significant concerns regarding privacy. With the vast amount of personal information available online, and the ability of companies and governments to track and analyze individual behaviors, there are valid concerns that technology is normalizing a culture of surveillance and eroding the concept of personal privacy. We talk about this constantly here on the forum, with many of our community members, like @kirkmahoneyphd & @roberto sharing very informative articles on the topic.
Finally, there is growing evidence to suggest that excessive use of technology, especially social media, can have adverse effects on mental health, contributing to issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Our blog features many articles discussing how the constant comparison with others, cyberbullying, and the pressure to be available 24/7 are some ways in which technology can negatively impact well-being.

So I think it’s very important to be mindful about our tech use and it’s important for us to engage in ongoing dialogue about these changes, balancing the benefits of technological advancements with the need to preserve core human values and well-being.


Certainly! Excessive, inattentive use. It’s hard to protect oneself or defend against it. For me, the fact that we started creating our products and have fans means that we’re providing people with the value they seek because they need it. :slight_smile: Cool, isn’t it?


Life is all about balance. Recently, there has been a noticeable lack of balance in nearly every aspect of our society. The unhealthy polarization, the intrusive attitudes of governments and corporations, and the mass manipulation towards an obsolete system are paving the way for a perilous future.

I’m not worried about people’s choices or their mental instability, as that is not my concern. What worries me is that, in the near future, the majority of the new generations will occupy important positions within society, including in the government, and they will dictate what is good or bad, and that will influence everyone. In my opinion, this is not about novelty but rather a reflection of a profoundly immature and manipulated generation that is increasingly detached from their human essence.


Education is the key? :slight_smile:



@kirkmahoneyphd This is seriously scary & disturbing.


Education is a matrix, but not all in this present ideological and obsolete educational system we are experiencing. Critical thinking and self-reflection are, in my opinion, currently useful ways to still be a bit of ourselves.



@roberto: Thank you for sharing that article about people returning their Vision Pro devices for refunds. Here is the URL to a “More for You” article that is quite related to the one about Vision Pro:


I had an Apple Watch Series 6 for less than one year. I was optimistic that it would bring some meaning to my routines and give me an idea of the daily steps. It didn’t. It started with the fact that I had to charge it every single day, then some annoying and unnecessary notifications that were not able to be deactivated. Much after I sold it, I found out in the health app that it also counted how many times I washed my hands (!). It is extremely intrusive.

Now, I have a basic and mini step counter with me and a Casio GA2100, which I only need to adjust the hour twice a year.