When will phones be in-stock or new phones be released?

Hello all!

Writing this just to let the team at Mudita know but also to gather potential similar opinions.

I have made the choice of switching to a distraction-free phone about a year ago and started looking for options, with the idea of switching when my current phone (an iPhone) dies or becomes unusable.

I have looked at several options and it turns out I am only convinced by the Mudita Pure. I like the fact that it’s based on an open-source OS, that it has an e-ink display, and that it can be used as a 4G hotspot. The design is also clearly elegant, and it plays its part in my choice.

My current phone is now becoming old, and its battery is clearly seeing its last months.

I have been regularly looking at the website to see whether I could order a Mudita Pure, and haven’t seen it in stock a single time. I am thus starting to be quite disappointed and am beginning to consider other options.

Two friends of mine as well as my partner are looking at options too, and we all have agreed that it’s a pity your phones are not available for purchase.

I’m thus left to ask: will the current version of the Mudita Pure be in stock any time soon (I would buy this one as I don’t generally care for getting the last generation of a product), or will another one be released soon?

Also, is there any reason why you have been out of stock for so long?

Hoping you will all have a wonderful 2024!


Just a correction it can only be used as a hotspot for your laptop or PC . Not for other mobile

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The phone is no longer being produced. You cannot buy it from the website, so I don’t understand why its still on the website to be honest. They are releasing a new phone some time this year but they have not given any information about it as of yet


@cardio79 :slight_smile: Please be patient :slight_smile: We have a plan :slight_smile:


For those still wishing to get Mudita phone 1 with all it ups and downs, only known outside source seems to be shop e readers for $460 plus shipping

I also look forward to hear plan, presumably for model 2


Every time I see this phone I miss it …if only it had worked in Canada…But my Punkt has done the job for me over 2 months now


@cardio79 I know how much you love the original Mudita Pure.
I’m curious if the 4G implementation which was avail in the software update back in December has made any difference
I wonder if any community members from Canada can comment?
Has the 4G option made a difference in network connectivity?

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I don’t think you have any users left in Canada lol