I know there are people on this forum that use Punkt and really like it. It’s just not my style though. I did see somewhere that they were working on something similar to the Minimal Phone- but that was like a year and a half ago. Anyone know what happened? Now there is no updated information. Is this something they are considering?
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From what I understand… it is still on the mind of Punkt, but it can take some years if they are going to produce it.
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It was just a prototype they made and maybe someday they’ll make it. Maybe they won’t, but it wasn’t something that was produced specifically to release to the public. Basically, they just shared it with CrackBerry as a look what could’ve been things since that audience is a hard-core Blackberry base in that phone kinda looked like the Blackberry passport
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@jameshjacksonjr Welcome back to the forum! It’s been awhile. Thanks for the info