Is it possible to use a custom ringtone on the Pure? None of the ringtones that are on the Pure sound like a ringing phone. I find it hard to recognise that the phone is ringing when I use any of the current ringtones that are on the Pure (I keep missing calls due to this). I would like to have a ringtone on the Pure that sounds like a ringing phone.
@user1 I know that the ability to upload custom audio content to Mudita Pure is in the works- (As in uploading audio to the music player) However, I will ask our team if the that audio could then be set as a ringtone.
Here’s a question to the rest of the users on the FORUM: Who else would like to have this option? Or do you like the ringtones in Mudita Pure?
@urszula: I hope to be an owner of a future Mudita cellphone, but here’s my opinion anyway.
- I find the the current ringtones beautiful.
- But, I agree with @user1 that it’s difficult to notice them.
I know this because several weeks ago I grabbed a few of them from the Mudita Pure page, put them on my current cellphone, and activated one after another every few days. Although the current Pure ringtones are beautiful, I found that I did not notice them – even at full volume – when my cellphone was in another room at home or when, as another example, I was in a grocery store.
So I don’t need the function. I love the ringtones from the Pure. Especially the Koshi tones.
I would be happy if you would offer them and the alarm and SMS tones for download. Just in the sense of opensource
I agree with @user1 that having a ringtone that sounds like a ringtone wouldn’t be the worst idea. I would also prefer if such a ringtone were pre-installed than having to upload it myself.
@thilodus I have passed this on to our team. Thank you for the feedback.
Yes. Me also experience the same; many missed calls as couldn’t hear the phone ringing.
@ramamohan I will definitely pass this on to our team. Just to be clear- You’re looking to be able to upload your OWN ringtones/audio & then set them as ringtones? Correct?
Yes. Exactly.
Indeed I’d like to be able to use my own audio as alarm or ringtones please.
I prefer a simple ringer bell like in the Rotary Un-Smartphone.
My opinion about some of the alarm-, SMS- and ringtones is fairly negative unfortunately. I’m a musician (I play church organ) and a hobby instrument maker. The “dulcimer” alarm sounds like an idiophone rather than a hammered string instrument, the “harp” ringtone sounds like a hammered string instrument, and particularly the SMS harpsichord sound makes me cringe (for examples of real harpsichord sounds, see for instance the Netherlands Bach Society videos). I also don’t particularly enjoy any of the guitar sounds to be honest.
I’m happy with my Pure. But a phone should draw attention, it has a signalling function to me. I’m not in particular interested in meditation either. I wouldn’t associate a portable electronic device with meditation. I never had a smartphone, and my good old Nokia 3310 broke. I just want to have a calendar, an alarm, a screen that is readable in very bright conditions, a way to store contacts with a last name of more than 18 characters and a battery that lasts for two weeks with sparse use (at most three calls per week).