Unhealthy Tech Tendencies

We love technology just as you do, and we tend to discuss it a lot on this forum.
This makes it even more important to, sometimes, take a step back and ask: How healthy is our relationships with technology?
In our latest blog, we discuss some UNHEALTHY TECH HABITS & how to break them.
Have we missed anything on our list? Let us know in the comments below.


Thank you, @urszula. That’s a healthy list of unhealthy tech tendencies. I don’t have any more tendencies to add, but here’s my “riff” on each item!

  1. I am old enough to remember when people called pagers “electronic leashes”. Now people leash themselves to smartphones. A smarter smartphone doesn’t make you smarter. It makes you more dependent on it.
  2. I know teenagers who sleep with their smartphones under their pillows. They practice FOMO (fear of missing out) even in their sleep!
  3. Checking a smartphone upon waking yanks me into a virtual world of others’ demands. I prefer what many successful people describe in their books – to control my morning.
  4. The work/rest cycle applies as much to mental work as it does to physical exercise. You ignore the work/rest cycle at your own peril.
  5. Texting over talking is the new version of playing telephone tag. Break the “tag” cycle. Don’t “pick up the phone” to text-message someone. Recall instead that “Pick up the phone.” is shorthand for “Pick up the receiver, and call!”
  6. If you would not bury your face in a book when in front of others, then don’t do it with a smartphone. If you would not bury your face in a laptop, then definitely don’t do it with a smartphone.
  7. Many call Facebook “Fakebook” for a good reason – that it tempts posters to pose and viewers to become voyeurs. Tough love may mean relegating social media to your computer or tablet. Tougher love may mean closing social-media accounts.
  8. Android users can see apps that they once thought that they’d “die” without by going to Play Store > My apps & games > Library > Not on this device. I did this last week and found a list of 50+ uninstalled apps!

@kirkmahoneyphd Everything you said is valid & so so true. I’m an OLD person & I used to have a pager LOL :slight_smile:
One unhealthy tech habit that I still engage in & I REALLY need to break it- is #4 EATING IN FRONT OF MY LAPTOP while I work. I’ve been doing it sooooo long, I don’t know how to stop.


@urszula: I had a simple pager with service at $1.99/month. I later had a Motorola Pocketalk pager, which is now in the National Museum of American History. Talk about feeling OLD! :rofl:

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@kirkmahoneyphd I remember the Motorola Pocketalk! I think I was a senior in HS when one of my friends got it. & I thought was super fancy. I had a Motorola too, but it was a the clear/transparent turquoise plasticMotorola Pager

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