While I have extremely low opinion on Trump, he sucedeed in banning TikTok, reducing kids addiction and challenges
How is this trumps merit?
If I recall correctly, it was his idea, due suspicion on Cinese govt spying ,/ collecting data, snd first it was banned for government employees
@RasVoja Originally, Trump was in favor of the ban, but he had nothing to do with passing the law, as he was not in power when the law was passed & Biden signed into law in April 2024. Now, Trump is saying that he’s going to sign an executive order tomorrow to lift the ban & give TikTok more time to find a US buyer.
Also, according to CNBC, Trump has proposed that the United States should hold a 50% ownership stake in a joint venture involving TikTok’s current or new owners.
However, the 50% U.S. ownership plan could contradict the legal intent of PAFACAA (the law that bans TikTok), which aims to fully sever foreign adversary control.
How it all plays out, we shall see.
As usual, its more about money and influence
In Poland we have this saying…“Gdy nie wiadomo, o co chodzi, to chodzi o pieniądze.”
Basically, this translates to: “When you don’t know what’s going on, it’s all about the money.”
Coming back to this topic
I just read an interesting article in the New Yorker- Is the TikTok Ban a Chance to Rethink the Whole Internet?
It may be behind a paywall for some people, but here’s the link to the audio:
Remember: you can always download the mp3 files & put them on your Mudita Harmony