Things to consider when purchasing Mudita Pure or any other Mudita product on the secondary market

We know that some of you have purchased or are thinking of purchasing Mudita Pure on the secondary market.
When you buy a previously-loved Mudita Pure, please make sure to get the proof of purchase from the seller. If they are NOT the original owner & they do not have a proof of purchase document, please be aware that obtaining warranty services might be difficult.
Proof of purchase is a way for Mudita, the manufacturer, to confirm that the product being returned for warranty service was actually purchased from an authorized source, and that the warranty period has not expired. Additionally, having proof of purchase allows us to verify the purchase date and track the product’s history, which can be useful for identifying any potential issues or defects. It also helps to prevent fraud or abuse of the warranty system.


I can second this, got burnt on buying a used Pure myself that later had problems. Just spend the extra money to get one new


@immychann I would always ask the seller if they can provide a copy of the invoice.

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That’s where I got burnt, they were selling the device for someone else that they barely have contact with, which is a very silly thing to do

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@immychann Could be a red flag tbh. Especially since the person who purchased it originally can easily contact us & get a duplicate receipt to pass on to the buyer.