The Allure of Analog & The Rise of Retro Tech

I recently came across this video on YouTube about how old-school tech becoming trendy again & I couldn’t be happier.

I wrote about this topic awhile back: The Allure of Analog: The Rise of Mindful Tech Use

What are some old-school tech products which you still use & love?
I think I’m not the only one who loves vinyl & record players :slight_smile:


CD and DAY are digital :smiley:
Still love boxed games and software, even I do have Steam account. Yes, ease is there, but less feeling when it does not exist as physical.
Same goes for CD/Vynil vs mp3 - love to see art, lyrics and whole package. mp3 downgraded music to 1$ per song, almost no matter what it is.
Same for DVD/Blue Ray for movies.

With good sound system vynil and CD do make sense compared to mp3/you tube. FLAAC is ony looseless sound codec, so yes difference can be felt :smiley: But needs good headphones, at least 2.1 speakers, or at best real amplifier and wooden big Sony speakers. Same goes for non compressed video.

So there is not just feel, but the quality difference.

Almost the same is with touchscreen vs keyboard. Yes, autocomplete helps, as well as vibrate, but cant beat the both speed and feeling of good mechanical keyboard and mouse with wheel and both buttons.

Some phones like Vertu Quest had Optical trackpad. Thats great for scrolling :smiley:

Josticks: Competition Pro (like Arcades) or Sony Playstation 3 dualshock wireless :smiley:

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Not only in tech…but also in cars….
A carburetor, a coil and contact breaker points, and no ECU in sight. Just the mechanics that let the car run.:pray:t3::hugs::grimacing: