The AI Revolution Debate

This quote really nails it! Because we all know, life is too short to fold laundry & do dishes, when we could be creating masterpieces.

How do you envision AI transforming everyday tasks to free up more time for creative pursuits in the future?


100%! I had this conversation in my office last week, totally agree.


@mnrkr74 awhile ago had a conversation with @roberto about how I wish AI could help me talk to my dog, because thatā€™s a very interesting use of the technology & itā€™s something I could get behind.


This article made me pauseā€¦partly because it claimed thatā€¦because of AI
" Mass unemployment could lead to an aristocratic life for all"

What do you guys think?


I couldnā€™t read the article since itā€™s behind a paywall, but from what I gather, itā€™s still very far from that reality. AI needs human input to function effectively. There are very few examples of AI being able to work autonomously, particularly in making decisions, because it lacks the ability to reason. However, if AI were to improve and hypothetically be able to replace human workers, I would expect analytical positions to be the first to go. For now, AI is an excellent tool for extracting patterns from vast amounts of data and interpreting this data well. Still, Iā€™m more interested in seeing more sophisticated AI tools being utilized by qualified personnel rather than having robots take over jobs in the office. Anyway, I think most of us were expecting AI to handle our cleaning and dishes so that we could dedicate more time to the arts, not the other way aroundā€¦ Oh, where are you, Mr. Handy?


@Grzegorz_Szmidt I found this article quite amusing because, as you know, in Polish, we have this phrase ā€˜Szlachta nie pracuje,ā€™ which basically translates to 'Aristocracy does not work." And basically thatā€™s what caught my eye.
As for housework, I think we would all like someone to help wash the dishes, fold & iron the laundry and make dinnerā€¦ChatGPT can you help with this? LOL


And my opinion remains stronger than ever. :slight_smile:

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