Support for operators from Kazakhstan

Can you tell me, if I will use the smartphone in networks from operators of Kazakhstan. Will it work?


@ilia_makarov Thank you for reaching out & welcome to the Mudita Forum. Although Mudita Pure has a universal sim modem, we have never tested it in Kazakhstan, so it’s very hard for us to say which operators it will work with. Additionally, our devices are not certified in Kazakhstan, so we can’t even be sure they will work.

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Could you please advise me how I can check if the device is working in KZ? This is important for me, because I have problems with addictive behavior from social networks, and blocker programs stopped helping me.


@ilia_makarov Like I mentioned before, we never tested the phone in Kazakhstan. The only way to test the phone there is to try using a unit in the country with the available cell phone providers in the country. Unfortunately, the first gen Mudita Pure is sold out & we do not ship to Kazakhstan. If you can find a phone from a previous user, then you could be the one to test it.

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Thank you!

Can you tell me when I can order the 2nd batch of Mudita Pure?


@ilia_makarov We are currently working on our 2nd gen phones. They are not available for sale yet, We will announce it here on the forum when they have been released, so stay tuned.


I have to ask this question: How does Mudita ensure that people’s phone works in different countries when they travel? Wasn’t that the whole point of the “universal sim modem” ???
I mean there are people here from other parts of the world where the phone is used.

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@worldcitizen88 Mudita Pure does have a universal SIM module, however, however, since we did not test the phone all over the world, we can’t ensure that it will work EVERYWHERE. and like with every network provider, some places have better coverage than others. It’s all about trial & error.