Social media warning labels? Are they really necessary?

I saw a segment on TV yesterday that said health warnings labels should be applied to social media platforms.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this because yes, it is ‘government intervention’ and some of you have stated that you are not really a fan of it, but what are our other options.
Social Media is often compared to smoking. You’ll often hear 'Scrolling is the new smoking." As someone who’s old enough to remember when smoking was allowed almost anywhere & tabacco companies were doing everything they could to get people to smoke more, knowing how harmful it was, I’m not opposed to warning labels.

What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts.

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@kirkmahoneyphd I think this is a step in the right direction.


It definitely helps raise awareness on these issues which is positive. People rely on the government to provide guidance. There is so much money behind use of screens, social media, etc., doesn’t seem like the average person stands a chance in resisting or starting a movement against it.


I believe it’s an overreaction and a form of moral panic. I read the article by the surgeon general, and he just says, until we can confirm that social media is safe, he will assume it’s unsafe. It’s true that there is research that suggests that social media may cause significant mental health issues among adolescents. I will argue that that it should be the responsibility of parents and communities, not the government, to regulate children’s social media use.


Does it help? I don` t think so imo…The social media companies will invent ways to get you hooked on another way…


I don’t mind. After all, no one else are doing it, except a few enthusiasts (looking at you Mudita).
One thing I’ve noticed so many times, is that many people firmly believe that freedom of personal choice is way more important than the result of your choices.
On a fundamental level, this is true.
But taking long term consequences under consideration is way smarter.
Unfortunately this is what kids lacks the most.
Between birth and through adolescence there are huge changes, learning and social skills that you are supposed to develop.
Scientific studies show that your brain is not fully developed until you are 25.
How to successfully motivate and inform is the big Q…
People have a tendency to be suspicious and negative on most things the governments are saying these days.


The crux of the matter is… in reality there is no choice…people tend to believe they have. Big (tech) companies and governments are making the choices for you. Giving the illusion that you have a choice.

“Panem et circenses”…Give them bread and games… :wink: