Read books on Kompakt

I’m currently reading Cal Newports Digital MInimalism, so I got some new motivation to go “dumb”. I circle around Mudita / dumphones / lightphone / … since years, but there are too many reasons (for me), which make it impossible to make one of these my only phone. I now want to try a different approach. I want to have a mudita phone as my “in-my-pocket” phone and keep my smartphone in the backpack (without SIM card, just to have the possiblity to use reuqired services like MFA, carsharing, train tickets, …).

So I fell in love with the idea that the only “timekiller” is reading books. So the question is, is it really pleasant to read on the Kompakt? Is this a realistic scenario to read complete books or is it too small. I know there a many people reading on Boox Palma, but this is like 30-50% bigger…

I’m only centimeters away of pulling the trigger on a Kompakt.



Well, as a first answer to myself, I found these pictures of the open book. That’s an open ereader approach with an 4.2 inch screen and at least it looks readable with a good amount of text on it. Kompakt has 4.3 inch.

So I hope, Mudita doesn’t mess up the ereader functionality… :smiley: Will it be available on launch?
Anyways, I pulled the trigger and backed the Kompakt.

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@urszula: if I have it right in my mind you receiver your Kompakt today? Could you give me some feedback if you find it practicable?

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@joeheb :slight_smile: Yes, this afternoon

I’m also curious about the ereader. Since it wasn’t available for Jose Briones when he did the review, I can’t wait until I can see it.

The e-reader alone almost made me pull the trigger on backing the Kompakt because it’s small enough to hold in one hand when you’re out and about, but then I thought that maybe I’d want a bigger device to read.

I’m curious to know how big the font will be and how many sentences can be read on the screen before scrolling down. Not to be the Goldilocks of reading, but I think there definitely is a sweet spot between small enough to be mobile/easily accessible, but big enough you’re not scrolling every minute.

I figured I’d wait until it all came out before deciding on it. Maybe one day I’ll purchase the Mudita as a side phone, but I just didn’t feel confident enough to purchase right now before learning more about the e-reader. Thanks for bringing it to attention! Would love to hear and see more about it.

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I’m currently testing Mudita Kompakt & I really like the eReader. I thought it would be too small, but it’s actually OK. We’re doing some updates on the FORUM currently, so I cannot post pictures, but once that’s done, I’ll be happy to share some visuals.


Ah, perhaps that I explains why I have been getting “403” errors when trying to edit a post and why the Bold / Italic / etc. buttons do not work today?


So glad you do! Can’t wait to see the photos later :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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yea The most recent Discourse system update had some bugs. We’re working on getting them fixed ASAP.

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@joeheb - In order to keep the forum clean and safe for all ages of readers/users, can you please not use curse words in posts? Perhaps you could edit your previous post?

That said, thankyou for raising this thread, I’m also interested to see the pics about the font size in eReader @Urszula :slight_smile:


I am interested in this, too, especially in the largest font size(s) possible.

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I’m really hoping support for the Open dyslexic font is available on it, It makes reading so much easier on my brain :3

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I’d expect one word at a time :smiley:

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