Open Source - MuditaOS

@agent_libre We’re happy that you’re happy :slight_smile:

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We have some AMAZING news! MuditaOS goes from Developer Preview to FULLY Open Source & we’ve also open sourced Mudita Center code!

And that’s not all! I’m not sure if any of your rememmber, but last year, when we made our our initial announcement of going Open Source with MuditaOS, we stated that we’re going to award the people who contribute the most with an actual Mudita Pure phone. We are keeping our promise.
The five Mudita Pure phones will be awarded to the following Open Source contributors (drumroll please :drum:) :

I think we have some forum community members among the winners! Make yourself known & come forward :slight_smile: @sandra is one of the winners! And I see @l1ghthouse made the list as well!
A MASSIVE CONGRATS! is definitely in order!

We are honored by the dedication of these extremely talented contributors and immensely grateful for the time, commitment and enthusiasm involved in undertaking such a project for the benefit of the entire Mudita Community.
Join me in congratulating all the contributors!


A good simple open source OS will also make it easier for other phone manufacturers to make more safe dumb phones. And that’s a good thing.
It will also make it easier for people who still want to use their phones for banking, receiving packages (just like having a key), and maybe even having a simple map.

There are some nice dumb phones out there that I could probably use, but I just don’t trust the OS enough, so I’m really happy about you not only creating this one, but also open sourcing it :+1:t2:


Thank you @urszula!

@Wojciech_Cichon told me about this over email. I had no idea this kinda reward was coming, pretty awesome! I haven’t had time to work on the repo since I got a new day job that I love (but I did just put a new quick PR in this weekend).


@sandra We were so honored that our Mudita Community members were so dedicated & that you were one of the winners!!


If Mudita did add a feature that you didn’t like, there is the possibility to disabling it and compiling the binary for your own device. But it depends how modular their code is, otherwise it could be quite difficult.


Open Source means different things to different people.

For all the talk of developing features, you’ll know as a developer just what it takes to make an app robust, even for a single platform. The best that could be hoped for would be a proof of concept from a forked codebase, the skeleton code for a solid feature, then testing in the wild, with all the bug reports to sift through. Every one and their dog knows that Apple pilfer the black-market community that develops for their iDevices, that’s why they didn’t shut it down - they need to come up with 100 new features each year !

I have been at the sharp end of a company purchased out by another only to find my hardware bricked. Were the source code available I could have revived it (although it did require a third party login, but I could have possibly gotten around that), and if the phone is built well enough, and the demands not too high, the phone should last for a long time.

Then there are the updates that nobody likes, rolling back is impossible in the iOS ecosystem, so don’t discount it. But then again, the code does not need to be open for that, just keep an archive of the version releases available for download.

I would request that features be modular, and easy to disable, or perhaps include, allowing for the user to create a light weight OS. I don’t want a Calendar and a Calculator and all that, just a phone, not much else.

Security auditing costs money and the code does not need to be open for it to be valid (so long as it is a reputable auditing firm), so the main reason for open source for me is to keep the phone alive, after it’s been discontinue or some other unforeseen event.


Hi, thanks for the explanation!
I’d like to tell you that our code is more-or-less modular, so it shouldn’t be much effort to disable particular apps. When it comes to apps, it should be very easy to do in my opinion :wink: - I really recommend taking a look at our GitHub repository and taking a journey into our code.

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