Old MuditaOS future or no future?

I have been looking at GitHub page of old MOS and I see two interesting ideas
a) Making it open to level users can make their own builds (I see Bluetooth and e-ink screen are Mudita IP, rest seems FLOSS)

If in future bigger e-ink displays become avail, it might be basis even for e-ink ARM based device (I assume tablet sized or so)

Very nice ideas, if all power all to K-OS in future, opening it for community (beside some properitary elements that could be community replaced) would be nice.
Under both closed and opened suggestions a lot of ideas can be found, for which team seems does not have time or focus anyway, and that it would be great for community to implement.

I see list of contributors are mostly Polish, kudos for that.

Too bad I am not coder, but I am willing to support it by small donations,
since I am Harmony only and ex Pure user, with uncertain availiability of Kompakt to my country.