We have some GREAT news which we KNOW you’d love to hear!
Check out or latest update which we posted on our blog!
Good to know. Hopefully my unit is coming in that batch
Do you want to get frustrated on your own device?
Even if I am frustrated at how things have turned out to be so far with the device, I believe that the Mudita team will work hard to make it better
Not really clear how the color of the phone impacts the shipping schedule. So far from what blog posts I’ve read it seems charcoal black is the only color shipping? I hope I’m wrong about that cause I’m guessing my Pebble Grey device will be what, another six, eight months out?
They started producing the Black one first. But they have caught up and now are producing both at the same time.
It would kind of be good to know what number of pebble grey devices have shipped. Like, are we only just starting shipping kickstarter pebble greys, or are the kickstarter pebble greys almost finished being shipped ? The update says they will be shipping eCommerce customers ‘in a few short weeks’, so i take it that means that those of us kickstarter people that ordered pebble grey are pretty much assured will be shipped within a few weeks. At least that was my take away from the news update.
Great news!
@Stephen_Walters what @Jose_Briones said is correct. We initially started manufacturing Charcoal Black devices because it was easier to control the quality of the exterior while concentrating on one color. We started manufacturing Pebble Grey devices about a month later after production started. Now we are producing both.
Is a few short weeks more than a month or less than a month?
I wish the Mudita Team continued success in overcoming its production and shipping challenges and I look forward to receiving my Mudita Pure phone. Many of my business associates keep asking me whether I can show them that leading edge Polish high tech phone I ordered last year.
Welcome! One of my friends keeps asking me about whether I have received my Pure, and I have to keep telling him, “Not yet!” He knows that it’s a crowdfunded project, so he appreciates that there are delays.
WOW! I like the sound of that!
When we say a few short weeks, we have less than a month in mind. We really want to get this done ASAP
Thanks for the update.
I am also sure that the team will give everything to improve the Mudita Phone.
On the one hand I can understand the feeling of impatience, on the other hand I don’t quite understand how some people wait quietly for two years and then make such a fuss over the last few meters. The phone is being produced, the phone is undergoing strict quality control, the phone is being delivered. We are talking about a complex first generation device with hardware and software developed in-house. I am still very impressed that the team has come this far and is doing everything to finish well. Keep up the good work!
I have no ties to Mudita and am only expressing my personal opinion here.
^ Same here!
I think the “fuss” from some is that they had 1 full year to work on these issues and test them. However, the company focused on developing an android launcher, creating Mudita Space, releasing 2 alarm clocks, and also 1 watch. I think those decisions are great for cash flow, but not for the Mudita Pure. And it’s rough to get a phone that does not work properly yet and has issues with battery life in certain situations.
I believe these issues will be fixed and that’s why I am committing to continuing to update the journey on my channel, but it is not the first experience I’d prefer.
We can’t fault people for expecting their phones to work and now that they get it, it doesn’t in some circumstances.
Agreed. I wonder whether worldwide lockdowns, which led to supply-chain issues, forced Mudita to jump to those other efforts in the interim so as to stay in business. For comparison, did Punkt and Light also face worldwide lockdowns during the initial development of their cellphones?
Very true. This could have been an issue for them for sure. The Kickstarter/Indiegogo can only bring so much and it drains the longer the product is in development. Again, their decisions are their decisions and I’m ok with that since I want the long term wellbeing of the company
Pebble Grey Boost. I think on Kickstarter comments, someone mentioned they were backer 149 and Pebble Grey, and Mudita predicted they would ship at the end of this week. I’m 77, I think, but it hasn’t shipped to my knowledge. Just for a little context.
@Jose_Briones I have to pipe in here because your assessment is not entirely correct. The alarm clocks were actually put on the back burner because of Mudita Pure. We wanted to release them much earlier, but didn’t. The main reason for a lot of the delays in manufacturing & testing was primarily due to all the lockdowns & travel restrictions.
Manufacturing is not something that can be done remotely. It was obvious when we announced a delay in April 2020. The whole world shut down in a panic & Poland was no exception. When issues with the external body came up in October 2020 & we had to push back the release, Europe was in it’s second wave. There were rules, non only on how many people could be in a room together, but also travel restrictions. Places of work had limits on home many people could be in the office. Basically everything was shut down for 7 months. We were trying to do everything remotely. Several times, when our team made plans to travel to the factory, which is a few hours away, trips was called off or postponed because either someone was sick or there was an outbreak. It’s quite difficult to test software when you don’t have the actual device to test it on. The following delay in April 2021 was a continuation of the first. Everything was just taking so much longer than in normal circumstances. Poland was literally under lockdown from October 2020-May 2021. Once the restrictions started lifting we could finally work like we needed to.
That said, software & hardware developers didn’t really work on Mudita Moment. It was the work of the design team. Once restrictions started getting lifted in May of 2021, that’s when we could actually move forward at a normal pace.
Update @rumpole: Shipment notification this AM.