New Mudita Harmony software update with NEW FEATURES- 2.7.0

Hi guys!
We just released a new software update for Mudita Harmony with some exciting new features! These new features are based on some feedback we received from you guys here on the forum.

Here’s the changelog:

New Features

  • Focus Timer Application: A new Focus timer application has been added to help you stay on track.
  • Meditation End Sound: A unique sound has been added to indicate the end of a meditation session.


  • Updated UI: The countdown timer in the Meditation, Power Nap, and Relaxation apps has been updated to match the new design.
  • Enhanced Button Handling: Improved button handling during the pre-wake up phase.

Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip Text: Fixed the issue of missing tooltip text in the French version of the Onboarding process.

Thank you for using Mudita Harmony. We hope these updates improve your experience.


I’ll update tonight.


The focus timer is a nice feature to have.


updated! sending hugsto the team


@robseqio :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for these updates! The meditation end sound is a MAJOR GAMECHANGER for me! <3

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@hanshoerni We are so happy you’re enjoying your Mudita Harmony.

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My wife (and her cats) will join with review in 20 days :smiley: My dog and me stay a bit reserved, but should have Pure mixed review about same time :smiley: Thanks for keeping MuditaOS alive.
I like I have most of nice relaxation melodies in Pure, as my wife has in Harmony. In fact, I can connect to BT headphones or speakers and a bit pretend I have Harnony too :smiley: I assume tradition will continue. Pure and Kompakt could connect to some Harmony 3 in future, and use its speaker - as speaker, for mp3 player, audio book etc.

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