New Mudita Harmony software update v2.2.3

We’re pleased to announce the release of a new software update (v2.2.3) for your Mudita Harmony, which includes some useful updates and bug fixes to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new in this version:

New Features:

  • Shortcut Instructions in Settings: We’ve now added the ability to view shortcut instructions directly in the settings menu. Previously, these were only accessible during the onboarding process, but now you can easily reference them anytime.

Bug Fixes:

  • E-Ink Display Errors: We’ve fixed issues related to e-ink display errors that were showing up in the logs.
  • Alarm Functionality During Onboarding: Resolved a problem where the alarm would not function correctly if the onboarding process was still in progress.
  • Relaxation Feature Improvement: Fixed a delay issue in starting the relaxation feature when playing MP3 files with large metadata.

We hope these updates improve your Mudita Harmony experience. Thank you for your continued support!