Hello, I would like you to consider enabling personalization of my “Template messages” for SMS and answering calls. Templates appear in English, not the mother tongue for most users I suppose.
This is great suggestion for Kompakt, but unlikely to ever be for Pure due End of Life declaration for software updates (as far as I remember from my brief Pure experience messages could not be created as new easily from reading mode, there was some rather unuintive way to do it, so for Pure there is more to it, that will remain unfixed)
@lourenco_goncalves As far as I know, you can customize your templates in Mudita Pure. I believe you can do it in Mudita Center, if not on the device itself.
@lourenco_goncalves You can create your own templates for messages in the Mudita Center app:
I hope that the Center’s ability to create templates for messages will extend to the Mudita Kompakt, too. That would be handy!
Great! I am glad! In my brief Pure experience, I havent seen that, great!
For Pureists, it would be great if can be extended to even typing messages.
I double that it should be kept for Kompakt.