Mudita Pure vs. Harmony 1 - comparing features

I was reading through the full User manual for the Mudita Pure, and noticed that so many of the features of the Pure match those of the Mudita Harmony 1. For the feature followers out there… what can I NOT do with my Mudita Pure phone in offline mode that is only available in the Mudita Harmony 1 clock?
For example, if using the Pure only offline as my clock, how long can the battery hold before needing charged? (Good news that the Mudita Harmony 1 with software update can now go up to 45 days between charges.) Sheryl


H1 and H2 dont have rudimentary mp3 player, and OK understandable no SMS, Notes and Calendar - date can be displayed (see faces)
Melodies and relaxation are mostly the same, and hopefully will go to Kompakt.
Pre-alarm warm up is not avail on Pure and Meditation customization, since H1 and H2 still get updates.
Quote of the day is missing for the same reason.

OS is kind of FLOSS, I see people often cant compile and Pure requests are EOL simply ignored.
H1 and H2 sems to have better battery OR optimization.

I hope Pure2 will exist one day!


When I saw that someone had already replied to my message… I knew it would be you! Thank you thank you! Sheryl


Its my pleasure!
All the best from Belgrade

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