[Mudita Pure} unable to figure out how to set the alarm

I tried at least half a dozen times (more like a dozen, minimum) and failed each time. how to do it?

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@ryubyss Thank you for reaching out. I’m sorry that you’re experiencing problems. Can you be more specific with what issue you’re having. Are you setting the alarm & it’s just not ringing? Or are you not able to set the alarm at all?

thanks for responding .if the alarm didn’t go off then I would have said so in the subject line. my problem: I can get to the screen where I can, in theory, program the alarm, but I can’t change the time. I don’t know which button (or buttons) to press.


@ryubyss Thanks for the clarification.
After you click on the ALARM icon on the main screen:
You should see a screen like this:

Notice how it’s an outline of the 4-way keypad with one of the arrows being all black in color. This means you should click on that corresponding arrow on the keypad.

This will bring you to the screen where you will be able to set your alarm.

Let me know if this helps.

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to quote myself:

I can get to the screen where I can, in theory, program the alarm, but I can’t change the time…

I can open up the screen shown in the second picture but when I get there, I couldn’t figure out how to change the times presented.

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Use the arrows to navigate to the filed you want to change & then use the number keypad to change the alarm.

thank you again. yes, I could get to that screen but I could not change the numbers. so, for example, I couldn’t change the 51 to a 50 or to a 50, or change the 03 to a 02 or a 04.


You go to the number you want to change and press the delete key (at the bottom right, the # key). Then you enter the desired number.


thank you! this worked!

a suggestion: out up a PDF manual with this and other information on the website, since the physical manual has limited space.


I am glad its not bug and its sorted out. Maybe lesson would be to include it in manual or simplify?

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@ryubyss I’m glad everything worked out. Let us know if you need anything else.
We are working on expanding the user guide. It’s a work in progress since we are still upgrading all the features.

I had the same problem. I found that you had to use the delete key, but really felt like a bug. The intuitive way of trying to write the numbers is to just click the numbers over the written ones and get them removed.


@ibonbelandia Thank you for your feedback. I will pass this on to the design team.

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Same here. It is a little rude not to point out to the user that he should use the Delete button.

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“she” not “he”, in my case! granted, not many humans can tell the differences between male and female iguanas. anyway, I worked out the alarm problem in the end.


I have printed the official manual, but with user suggestions, maybe extended one could be build (also for Harmony) that would include all new feats.

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