Mudita Pure: Making the offline online

Allow me to spend some words on this topic. I see a lot of “online” requests to Mudita Pure. I’m not part of the staff nor receiving anything from the company for it. I’m an early backer that strongly supports Mudita’s mission. Usually, I don’t share my thoughts publicly, only professionally. But I believe that you should read the following lines.

I have a smartphone myself. I had a Nokia 6300 until last month. I wouldn’t say I like KaiOS for several reasons. I received advertising without the data, and I had a lot of trouble with some simple apps, like the alarm, SMS, etc.

Due to living in another country (Denmark) and being limited with the language, I’ve tried to use the iPad mini as a smartphone alternative to having a translator, national apps, and other needs for my work. I’ve got a Garmin GPS and a compact Canon camera. I saw myself with different gadgets in my pocket. I could “pay the price” for an offline life and live with it. But I cannot.

I don’t have personal social media, only a business Instagram. I use Telegram as a private messenger, and I have a business Channel. However, I only have Telegram on my phone, not Instagram or apps that may make me get stuck there. Instead, I’ve installed or accessed them on the computer.

No, I don’t care about materialism. All my life, I got used to simplicity. I don’t like to have several gadgets if I can get one device with all the features I need: A good camera, GPS, translator, national apps, notes, email, messaging. I will start traveling again for some professional events, so it is comfortable. So, I’ve sold everything, and I got a used iPhone 11 pro max. When I arrive home, I turn off the data and have a “normal” phone. Yes, we still have the commodity of being resting, and if we need to check anything on the computer, I only need to take my phone.

But why did I support the Mudita Pure kickstarted? First, because it was a gift to my girlfriend, and second, I like the courage of companies like Mudita giving an alternative to those who can go utterly offline during their life or, at least after work. I know all the challenges we face when we start something, especially when we intend to expand it worldwide. I’m sure that they are fighting hard to solve all the challenges they face, and they will learn from them.

I’ve ordered a Mudita Harmony because I want to have my phone off during the night, not only on flight mode, and I need a reliable device for it. Also, I initially gave the name suggestion for a watch (just kidding :slight_smile: ).

If I’ll buy a Mudita myself? Maybe. I see Mudita as a second phone if we want to resist your phone’s data on/off switch. I like the design (it reminds me of my first phones), the simplicity, and (hopefully) the user experience. Some people make their own choice for not having a smartphone, and I admire you for it. At the moment, I cannot.

If I recommend Mudita. All the time. You know how I am if you follow me here (and my work with other animal species). I know that Mudita will never be a phone to everyone. I find it very interesting that some people are willing to have a Mudita IF they get some online features. Fair enough, and I understand it. However, I’m convinced that it is not Mudita’s Pure mission. Perhaps, future phones or projects they are developing will have more online possibilities. Let’s give a chance for all that wants to be 100% disconnected.

I believe in balance offline and online. In the end, it is all about our actual needs for our well-being. Our choices make us.

Even without having a Mudita Pure, all its mission, feedback, and opinions sharing in this forum already made me change a lot in several ways in my life, reinforcing other actions I already had about virtual life.

That said, this is my 50 cents of an honest opinion about Mudita Pure. My life does not allow me to have one now, but I support its essence of making our life “pure.”

Thanks for your reading. :slight_smile:


@roberto Thanks for all the support! Mudita Pure is INDEED a very special phone. It’s not just about digital minimalism- you can get that with many great feature phone. It’s about building a community around the mindful use of technology. It’s about stepping back & reevaluating the choices we make everyday with the things we choose to spend our money on. It’s about conscious production & putting together a vision of the world that WE want to be a part of. Our every choice reflects the pursuit to provide a more fair trade and ethical device.
The Mudita Community is very much part of this. You guys give us feedback & come back with ideas. You guys help create our products- whether it’s NAMING (yes @roberto) or helping out with translation or localization- you guys are a part of it.
It’s all about the HUMAN experience with a mix of technology in it.

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Thanks, @urszula. Mudita’s mission goes much far than healthy alternatives of a phone, watch, or alarm. Mudita brings a healthy discussion about “being well,” which I differentiate from “wellbeing.” I appreciate all your work, and I’m sure that in the future, my smartphone will be only a GPS and Camera device replaced by a Pure generation.