Mudita Pure for Sale?

I know this is probably a long shot but my daughter is turning 13 on March 31st. She’s fascinated by the Mudita Pure and it seems to tick all the boxes for our concerns around kids and technology. I know it’s sold out everywhere but I’m trying to be father of the year and find her one for her birthday. Her first phone! If anyone has one for sale or could help point me in the direction of one I would be so grateful. This would make this the best 13th birthday ever. So grateful there are companies making products like this one for the next generation!


Hello, I could send you mine which I am not using anymore.
(You must have read about the functional frustrations one might experience with it, but if you’re in an area where you have strong network, she might be quite happy with it. I enjoyed using it a lot and it ticked all my boxes, but sometimes I had to open it and get the battery out for a reset after it froze after text messages trying to be sent when there was no network. Otherwise, I loved many features, including the form and haptic factor, the eink screen and the generally soft and gentle approach to technology (I would keep it just for waking up with it, but we have the Mudita alarm clocks now also for my daugther…!)).
I sent you a private message for further discussion.


In case generous donation fails, I see one on ebay

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