Mudita Pure and Kompakt Cellular Functionality

Out of curiosity, how well does the mudita pure work on Verizon in the US? I remember hearing that it did not function very well on Verizon’s network. If that is the case for the Pure, do we know if the Kompakt will have good cell coverage with verizon in the US ? Is there a way to confirm any of this before pre-ordering ? Obviously these things need to work first and foremost as phones and if they cant get cell coverage down then that is a potential red flag for a first time buyer.

The pure in all of north america was CRAP, do not even consider getting a pure. Whether the Kompakt fairs better remains to be seen because the Pure was suppose to work all over the world and it did not so my trust level of whether it will work properly here is pretty low. One of the biggest reasons I am hesitant to get one because I went through a lot of stress, frustration, and MONEY to try to get the Pure to work in Canada and I really don’t want to go through that again