Is data security past?

In past, mobile carrier needed to be court appealed to get your SMS calls and most one could track you is near mobile tower if phone was on. (this is why I like Pure and dumbies :smiley:
Now, with modern phones its all gone.

This is follow to posted video

If its true (and one source is not enough) its very sad. Publicly and in tech foras, its still claim all of iOS communication is end to end, secure and private.
Since I dont intend using iOS part with Android is even weirder, do new Android phones do the same, and if yes, after which version?

As far I see in video its limited to Chinese marked, due to new I call it “cybercommunism survevilance”, cheaper and effective then past secret services, and started with WeChat :smiley: Not that I believe NSA, FBI, CIA,. your national cyber security cant unlock your phone once they get to it.

In fact, Serbian security agency is using Israeli software to put spyware to all interogated, since you have to give a phone during interrogation.

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From this video I have
a) Undetstood its Chinese version thing giving direct info to CPC and this is nothing new, all Chinese phone versions have backddors baked in. I remember it started with 10 Cent and WeChat App but was always extended to all hones.
b) Understood it relates to iPhone 16 only while only a reference is made to some other video about Android.
c) Gemini is software app for example present in my latest Android with NothingOS 3.0 - I just refuse to use it.
So question is does it plague all Gemini related Androids or just those with AI chip?
I wasnt able to confirm these anywhere else. This big breach would be everywhere.

For those who wish to see my gouverment arrogance, our Security agency has simply dismissed all Amnesty accusations, but not based on some proof, but on attack on Amnesty itself.;
Google translation to English

Al Jazeera

Balkan Insight

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