Any idea of possibility of multiple alarms (alarm 1,2,3) that could be selected?
For alarm clock this would be extremely useful, and while managing alarm is greatly done, having ability to set and select several and even add title in mudita center (or set them all via center) would be great.
@RasVoja Our team is aware of this request However, I think there are some limitations with this, when it comes to hardware. I believe we did address this specific issue with an explanation here on the forum.
Here it is:
Ah so bad, please keep it mind for some future model.
Ah I feel the same! I was hoping it would be possible in the future. Multiple alarms would certainly add more functionality. I’m just sort of bummed I got the Harmony 2 just because I would’ve waited had I known they may add this to a new device. Hopefully they’ll have some sort of trade in program with the future device as well.
Dear Muxbree.
Next clock is not announced, so its just wishful thought.
I ve also got 2 in black for myself (first model went to wife and her cats) and I do not notice diff on package or functionality. But battery drain seems to be lower, which seems to be the point.
Oops typo…I meant they might* as in possible future device. I know that another clock isn’t announced. I’m just talking generally speaking.