Harmony: cleaning assistant

So here’s the thing: I love a clean house. Mess makes it impossible for me to focus.
Here’s another thing: I’m hopeless when it comes to repetitive, not-so-thrilling tasks.
Get me a new&exciting project and I will DIY a system for hanging kitchen appliances inside a cabinet with whatever I find in the nearest drawer.

BUT dusting and laundry etc.? There’s always time to do it later (until there’s not).

Here’s my fix:

  • I am going to try using Harmony as a cleaning assistant for 20-minute cleaning sprints every day, Saturday being a day off.
  • For it to work, I need consequences. Every 20 mins I skip will transfer to Saturday.
  • Over the 20 minutes, I clean/organise whatever I put my eyes on. No rules. Keeping myself busy and fighting time.

My questions:

  • have any of you tried something like this? Did it work? What lessons did you learn?
  • reward ideas? :trophy: :joy:
  • should I use NAP TIMER or RELAXATION or MEDITATION? (nap timer lets me use external music, relaxation relieves me of the music choosing dilemma and meditation has interval chimes and may help me better coordinate my efforts.
  • any words of advice? :smiley:

I plan to start this on Sunday and do a test run for 2 weeks, and keep you posted on the go.
I’m awaiting your input and encouragement :face_with_peeking_eye:

This is actually the topic of one of my articles:

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Great idea @aleksander . Good luck with the adventure of it :smiley:

Some hopefully helpful tips based on my experience…
Reward Ideas: When you’ve finished cleaning something, take a step back, focus all of your attention on it and really sense what you’ve created - space, cleanliness, organisation, the reward is how it feels.

Use meditation: use the time to focus upon the journey, the adventure, of what you’re creating by performing that task. Also to clear your mind while clearing your space - work it multi-dimensionally.

Advice: If you become discouraged or overwhelmed, change the energy, change it up. Take a step back, a deep breath and really look at what’s in front of you, choose one thing to focus upon, only one, and perform that task, then do the reward by sensing what you’ve created by doing it.

Enjoy! Even cleaning can be fun… Oooh, wear something that is your ‘cleaning outfit’ - some awesome call back to the 80’s hypercolour or neon craze is always a sure thing for getting your ‘cleaning mojo’ flowing :wink:


Using timers really works for me. If my goal is: “Clean out the cupboard until it’s sorted”, I just procrastinate and never get around to doing it. But if the goal is: “Spend 30 min cleaning the cupboard no matter how far I get”, I will set a timer and do it without thinking much about it - I enter zombie-mode and there is way less resistance. And more often than not, the whole task will be finished before the timer beeps.


@rudisimmons I like your system. I sometimes do this as well with projects/chores. When something seems so enormous & I feel like I can’t tackle it all at once, I break it into time sections.