Feature Request: encrypted messaging

SMS and cellular phone calls are insecure, unencrypted and not private. We should not and cannot trust cellular carriers/providers to keep our messages and calls private.

All digital communication should be encrypted IMHO.

Please find a way to bring encrypted messaging and calls to MuditaOS and your phones. Particularily the upcoming Kompakt maybe. The best option might be integrating Signal somehow like Punkt has done with Pigeon.

I strongly prefer to get a Mudita phone but encrypted communication is very important to me and thus I have to lean towards getting a Punkt phone sadly.


@b_9 One of the main features of Mudita Kompakt is privacy & security, ensuring that your data and privacy are safeguarded.

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Good to hear! I can’t wait to hear the full details of all the privacy and security features of the Kompakt.

I really hope encrypted (E2EE )messaging (and calls) is part of that. As far as I understand it, it doesn’t really matter how private and secure a device is if all the communication from it, specifically messages and calls are unencrypted/in plain text.


Yes, I second this. I cannot get any minimalist phone until I have encryption. We really need the ability to install android apps.


totally agree with you! it will be great if we can have either Signal, Session or Telegram for encrypted messaging as well as photo / video / file sharing


I second that Signal text only should be demake for PURE, as well as maps, since these were two KS stretch goals
that were not funded, but could make phone attractive again.
As of KOMPAKT I agree Signal should be app of choice

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Probably not Signal. I think in another thread, someone said Signal stopped protecting privacy? Someone correct me if I’m wrong. I do agree with the rest.


No thats WhatsApp and since recently Telegram. People want WhatsApp in US and Africa and usualy Viber in Europe, but only Signal is secure. telegram is Russian? but has great discussion group options and easy file transfers up to 1.8 GB per file.

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Ah yeah, telegram I was thinking about. Thanks for correcting me!

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