Exciting New Reveals for Mudita Kompakt - Check them out!

Are there more features/apps still to be revealed? Loving what’s been unveiled so far, the early bird price is excellent and very enticing. Add in a podcast app and I’m pretty much in. I am guessing WhatsApp is unlikely, but that would make it impossible not not sign up on the spot.


Wonderful! I’m very much enjoying the options to use the phone as it works for each person - this is very thoughtful and appealing to such a wider customer base, but also will allow us to change how we use the phone as the moment requires, e.g. if Wi-Fi hotspot tethering isn’t working for some reason, try the cable.

Considering the difficulties regarding calendar appointments with Pure, I’m interested to learn how this will work with Kompakt.

Also I’m very interested in the offline maps and how easy it will be to use while driving.


That seems fine to me. I think it’s kind of the same with music. I absolutely love music, but I’ve started to mindfully decide when I want to listen to it. Previously, if I was walking anywhere, I’d put a song on, but now, sometimes I’ll go silently and listen to the birds, other times, I’ll put it on low so it’s kind of faint in the background. So, if you have your own limitations/restrictions to podcasts where you listen to one particular one in the morning and mindfully choose which ones to listen to and when, then I see it like you’ll be able to balance it out and not let it get out of hand.

I could be wrong, but, to me it seems easier to facilitate when to play a podcast/music versus people’s addiction to the infinite-scroll apps. I do agree with you though that podcasts can be a way for people to escape the present moment, but you just to figure out when. Looks like you did! Especially if it helps with your anxiety


Yeah this is what has me on the fence, I love the podcast tool on the Light phone, and it will also be on the LP3 , so this may just be the thing that makes me choose LP3 but I lOVE that the Kompakt has a weather app which I also want, LP3 does not have a weather app yet, and not sure if they will ever have one at this point, honestly its going to be such a hard decision I have no clue as of right now which I will choose

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Yup music and podcasts at the end of day if we have them in our ears every where we go are we being mindful?
I myself have started music with no podcasts and music and I throughly enjoy it. We need SILENCE in our lives, we need boredom, we shouldn’t be trying to constantly distract ourselves and at times podcasts and music can be distractions


Depends. For many people its relaxing and refreshing
I agree it should not go all the time e.g, whille driving, using streets, entering stores, but e.g., why not while you use public transport or wait some que


I can listen to podcasts while cycling to work. But on most occasions I prefer to not have an extra mental load.


I often just go silently too, although I haven’t experimented with low volume in the background. I tend to only listen to informative podcasts, not so much entertainment but as I have started a new job and cannot listen to podcasts so easily to and from work now, my podcast time is limited, leading me to listen to my most favoured ones. And as for music, I used to LOVE Spotify but it’s become a platform that just throws all sorts of things at me in the hope I ‘might’ like them. Don’t get me wrong, I have discovered a multitude of new music on Spotify but the algorithm now is just too overwhelming for me. Too much ‘noise’. But I agree with you, there’s a world of difference between infinite scrolling and our decision to play music or podcasts. I listen to the radio all the time (speech radio) and podcasts just seem an extension of that.


Ah, yeah, it’s nice to have it low in the background because then I can still listen to bikes if they’re coming towards me, cars, other people, etc. It just allows me to stay safe, but still have a hint of music if I’m in the mood.

I can see how Spotify can get overwhelming, I know they have a lot of stuff on there. For the most part, I stick to my Liked Songs playlist and sometimes I look up other playlists I use, such as the Acoustic Guitar or Calming Acoustic. Otherwise, I haven’t really explored Spotify much and all that it offers. Maybe it’s a good thing :joy:

I don’t really like how Spotify treats artists so I was thinking of buying a seperate device, but I can’t stand the time consuming work of moving all 4,000 songs. I think when the Kompakt or LP3 comes, I’ll have to carefully consider my options. When you do want to listen to music instead of podcasts, what’s your current form again?

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I do still use Spotify, mostly if I want to explore something new to try it out, and if I like it then I’ll buy their album as I also like to support the artist. I’ll then download the album to my Pixel (with GrapheneOS) but upon using the Kompakt I will download to that instead. I just hope the music player interface is far better than the Pure. For podcasts I use AntennaPod on the Pixel but if I want to download a podcast then I’ll use iTunes and then transfer to a device, such as the Pure. If the Kompakt does have a podcast tool, now or in the future, then I’ll most likely only follow the podcasts I listen to without fail, every week.


I am sure it can be as bad as Pure mp3 player :smiley: We definitely need clarification on apps

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The image in the new video look like a very decent player.


I don’t mind MP3s, but we use Spotify at home because the family subscription has 6 accounts. For that money the 6 of us cannot buy CDs (well, the kids don’t use it yet, but in the future we’ll have 6 active users…)


That’s great. With a family you can share your playlists with each too.
I do think Spotify is brilliant value for money, perhaps not for the artists but for the consumer it is. I don’t like to buy physical CD’s so much now because they take-up too much room, I prefer MP3’s which don’t take-up any physical space.


Even CDs were not great for the artist. Only if you buy MP3s directly from them, is it kind of fair. Most money is made through concerts. However, for consumers it may be worth owning some music instead of renting.


I believe the higher concert prices are to mitigate the online streaming platforms lack of revenue for them. I like to buy digital music through Bandcamp when possible. They’re good for the artist.


True, production companies took most of money, BUT yet I miss full packaged vynils and CDs with lyrics and art, somehow album was a round package, not some list of 1$ per song


Yeah, I feel the same. I’ll have to figure out the mp3 player later when new phone comes next year. I just hate how time consuming it can be to get individual songs instead of albums of playlists.


Thats on Pure, where sorting is just by file name.
From Android based phone, I expect something at Dub level
Plus no ads :smiley:

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