Do you remember your first mobile phone?

Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. I remember getting my first mobile when I finished high school. It was a Nokia 5110. It was practically indestructible. After a few years, I got a PrimeCo phone- an audiovox pcx-1000xl.

Do you remember what was your first mobile phone & when you got it?

Qualcomm Q Phone w/Desktop Charger - Sprint PCS - 1998

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My first phone was Nokia C2-01 in gray color in 2012 I think when I was 10 years old. I used it for Java games, phone calls, web browsing & messaging. It was a pretty good experience for a first phone.

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Oh gods, that’s depressing.

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@sleinjinn Don’t worry, I used it in right manner. It was not a smartphone, so It did no harm. It was just a tool for me and a bit of harmless fun sometimes. At that time, I played outside more with friends.

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You’ve clearly misinterpreted which half of that was the depressing part. O_o


@sleinjinn I understood that you meant that kids should not get the phone (especially smartphone) at that age & that it’s depressive where a lot of kids, now adults got their addiction from. You clearly quoted the part where I mentioned my age at that time, so please clarify what you meant.



I think it was this one. Won it in 1996 on a school excursion to a museum exhibition.


Siemens AX75.

I got my first phone with 17 years old. A brand new Nokia 3310.

PS: Before my first phone I had one of these antiques. Now I’m feeling old. :smiley:


Motorola bag-phone, 1993. Don’t remember the model name/number.

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