Contact Sync w/o Google or Apple

Hi there,
Is there a plan to sync contact with local contacts app or via Carddav ?
I saw you enable Google and Apple sync but I do not trust each of them. It can be more secure and in the same trend you do, to control the contacts sync
Thanks !



thank you for your post!

What exactly do you mean by “local contacts app”?

We would like to start with Google Account and iCloud sync, because these are popular solutions for Android and iPhone users to store their contacts. I understand your concerns - I will pass this request to the team and once we are ready with all the basic features we will decide what to do next - in general, it seems like a good idea!



I think about Contact app in W10, Address Book in MacOS or Thunderbird in Linux for exemple.
For sure Google and Apple sync will be the best to enable users to move to Mudita Pure phone.
Carddav and by extension caldav are good open way to sync infos.
Finally, will there be a vcard or csv files import/export with the mudita app ?
Thanks !


You can save your contacts on your SIM (up to 2000 I think). Go in your contacts and choose “export”, you will see the option here


@anon43546428 It wasn’t planned any time soon. If only there’s a time for it and there are no more important features in the backlog to be added - we can take care of it. I know it’s not the best answer, but this is all I can say at the moment.


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Indeed, exporting to SIM can be an option. Nevertheless, there is no such option in iPhone and exporting to SIM is limited to a name + a number, where a lot of address book are now filled with several numbers, birthdate and so on.

Thank you for the answer. I fully understand that you cannot fulfill every requests :slight_smile:
I still think that contacts are a important think for a phone and that everybody are not using google or apple sync, even when they have an android or iPhone (like me :slight_smile: )

In parallel, what will be the contact details available in the address book of MuditaOS ? Is there nickname, birthdate and so on ? And birthdate sync with calendar ?

Thanks for all,



I agree with @anon43546428. There needs to be a carddav and caldav sync option. I do not use Google anymore and I have never owned an Apple device. I am really on the fence when it comes to pre-ordering and it is not a deal breaker but if I could sync my calendars at the end of the day, that would be gorgeous because my wife and I use multiple shared calendars and I use calendars from 4 different employers. Again, not a deal breaker but it wouldn’t hurt to include this.

I want to make sure I understand. There are no plans for CardDAV or CalDAV integration even though they’re open standards of contact/calendar syncing? Even if they’re what we rely on to keep our contacts/calendars in sync and what we use to populate the native calendar/contacts apps on our computers?

I was hoping to use my Pure to migrate toward FOSS and away from Apple’s ecosystem but requiring an account with one of two tech giants to sync basic necessities would be very disappointing.


Hi @cjkonecnik,

I’d rather say it’s more WHEN, not IF.

I will keep you updated on this topic.



Agree - on the FOSS path and need CardDAV/CalDAV. Not a deal-breaker out of the gate, but will be shortly thereafter… :wink:

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As both Google and Apple also support syncing via CardDav and CalDav, there is absolutely no reason not to implement this de facto standard for synchronisation. I assume it is a comparably trivial change in the Desktop application.
Will the Desktop Application also be Open Source?

Hi @blennemann, @anon83000100 thank you for your comments!
As I keep repeating to my friends: “everything is trivial unless you need to do it by yourself” :slight_smile:

We started with syncing via services like Google to make it work for most of the users, but I totally understand your point of view. I still don’t have any update regarding the timeline but it doesn’t mean we have a problem here.

Regarding making the app open source - we are focusing on the operating system at the moment (there will be an update on that within one week).

Have a great day!