Calm Tech Certification?

This is a curiosity question more than anything, not an implied endorsement or recommendation. I recently listened to Jose Briones’ interview with Amber Case about the Calm Tech Institute and Calm Tech certification. Is Mudita planning on pursuing the Calm Tech certification for any of its devices?


@forrestaguirre We’re actually in contact with them :slight_smile: They are a great fit for us :slight_smile: We’ll let you know how it goes.


Hope you get it :slight_smile:


@Jose_Briones You can put in a good word :slight_smile:


Already did lol


Since I just learned of this certificate, I checked out certified products. And I see something where Mudita could compete in future - so called “Daylight computer” is essentially ARM device with Android 13 and larger e-ink display and stylus ( bluetooth? keyboard) and 8000 Mah battery for 729 USD (currently preorder only) Surely, it will be more viable as e-ink screens develop and drop prices, and here new K-MOS could be useful, just expanded to larger screen. I know handhelds are stars of the times, but I would like to see a home device with no battery, akin closer to personal computers too, so I dont believe this devices yet deserves to be called computer, but they did it alredy :smiley:

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