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Thanks for being vigilant. We’re having some tech issues today
@urszula: I look forward to reading the well-formatted post!
@urszula: Thank you for this blog post! You made me appreciate how the Kohl’s retail chain is able to use E Ink price labels on product shelves and not need a power supply for each label.
I love the functionality of my Sunbeam Wireless flip phone + Sunbeam’s Premium Service, but this blog post has made me even more interested in what will be possible with the Mudita Kompakt!
Doesn’t the second statement contradict the first one?
@gmahale how so? I’m not sure I follow
The first statement claims the frontlight to be an advantage over backlit displays. The second one claims the backlight on the Kompakt to be an advantage. How is the backlight on the Kompakt any different from the one on LCD displays?
Moreover, if I understand correctly, e-ink is not transparent unlike LCD.
@urszula: You had me at “Superb Outdoor Readability” – something that my otherwise-handy Sunbeam Wireless flip phone sorely lacks.
I love how e ink is readable, even in bright sunlight!
Yeah I remember that about the sunbeam, pain in the butt to view outside
Thanks for this interesting article, I especially enjoyed the final line