AI may soon let you record and rewatch your dreams

Would you be interested in using technology that allows you to record and watch your dreams?

I have to admit, while it does sound odd and very ‘Twilight-Zone-esque’ it is very intriguing. Maybe the ability to rewatch our dreams could impact our understanding of the subconscious mind and mental health.

What do you guys think?


Some of my dreams are so disturbing I would NOT like to re-watch them!
Honestly I have such a vivid and alive dream state that the most notable dreams I have had are easily recalled - my earliest memories from childhood are recurring nightmares!
I’ve done some personal work with intentional dreaming to change the fear response for nightmares and have experienced amazing results from this, I no longer have fear response which is SIGNIFICANT for me, not to mention hugely empowering. No AI required :smiley:

I also love that what goes on inside my mind and thoughts I have are private, unless I choose to share them.


I did some of this, too (many years ago), and it worked. I see no need for this AI technology.


I’ve written an article about Lucid Dreams awhile back. Check it out:


It certainly is a fascinating topic, and if one feels the need to address certain issues in the dream state, Lucid Dreaming can be a great tool to learn to use.

@kirkmahoneyphd I’m curious, did you find it easy to use this sort of technique?


Yes. I found it almost too easy.


@kirkmahoneyphd Please elaborate. I’ve tried it, but it doesn’t come easy to me.

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@urszula: I found it almost frightening that I could consciously influence the content of my dreams.