About the Mindful Work category

How to focus better and use technology with intention, in a world full of distractions.

To get started:

Ask a question. Someone from our community would be glad to help!
Share something. If you’ve found something related to mindful work that you’d like to share.
Interact with other topics. Give your opinions on previously posted topics.

In the Mindful Work category, we’d like to focus on what matters, to better understand internal and external factors that lead to possible dissatisfaction at work. Let’s figure out how to improve the environment or the external factors impacting us together. With your help, we’d like to generate actionable tips to help you get better at what you’re doing!

  • Please don’t share any personal information such as your email address, home address, password, telephone number or anything else which may affect your privacy.
  • Be considerate of other people, encourage the sharing and imparting of knowledge.
  • References are important, make sure the content you share is your own or that credit is given to the correct owner.
  • No spam, we’re sure your products and services are awesome but this is not the right place to share them with us.

Our other categories: Digital Parenting, Mudita Backstage, Mindful Work, Healthy Body and Mind