Would you have consider buying a phone that only makes phone calls?

This is something I am actually considering. I know the sunbeam F1 has a model that does this. There are so many text conversations that could easily be done over the phone. I am not sure I could do it lol…but I am strongly considering it

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@cardio79: I have one. It’s a desk phone that I bought last month.
I like that the Sunbeam Dandelion does not support text conversations but DOES let owners define an auto-response text message (“Optional automatic notice to anyone attempting to send you a text message explaining that the phone does not receive text messages”).

You could test whether you could “do it” by replying manually in that way from whatever SMS-capable cellphone you have. There are even Android apps that let Android cellphone users do this automatically.

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Oh wow did not know that, that’s really cool and makes me want to consider it even more. I have had just such an amazing experience going on almost two weeks without a smartphone. Although I do have a blackberry keyone coming soon I will only have spotify on it so I can listen to classical music while I read. I am going to put not else on it, no email, texting, nothing. I am currently reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport and its has made me reconsider every relationship I have with tech.


I just bought the daisy. Cancelled my order for the mudita. Ultimately all these quality issues specifically the phone call quality was a deal breaker. Looked up a bunch of reviews for the Sunbeam all of which are positive. It has everything I need from a phone and their philosophy is the same as Muditas. I am sure in the future once the mudita gets updates and improvements I will consider it again.


I have considered it! I was debating between the Sunbeam Daisy and the Dandelion, because the latter doesn’t have a camera (and I don’t like having a camera on my phone). In the end I went with the Daisy and will probably stick with it for a while. Right now I use text messaging a little too much to let it go, but that could easily change in the future. I’d consider it a convenience that I like to have, but not an absolute need.